Edit: good to see I woke the shills

  • @Cowbee
    107 months ago

    Holy shit you’re legitimately a lunatic, to be referencing fucking WE as a source.

    Either way, nothing you’ve pointed to means Trump’s terrible economic choices for short term gains and long term disaster didn’t also impact gas prices, or even the majority of the impact.

    Please, keep consuming anti-science brainrot and continue to persist in your white-supremacist echo chamber. I’m sure one day you’ll hate your way into happiness!

    • @PepeLivesMatter@lemmy.today
      -17 months ago

      But Biden DID clamp down on domestic drilling (and canceled the Keystone pipeline). Is it anti-science to say that reducing the supply of a good will inevitably lead to rising prices?

      You can argue that he did it for a good reason (to protect the environment and increase the sales of electric vehicles, for example), but you can’t argue that he didn’t take those steps without being aware of the effect they would have on prices.

      • @Cowbee
        47 months ago

        Sure, he did one thing that likely did impact gas prices. That does not in any way mean that Trump’s fucking terrible economic policy isn’t a thing. It’s anti-science to deny climate change, which the WE does.

        I never made the point that it didn’t affect gas prices, you failed to deny Trump’s impact on gas prices. This is how logic works, though I know it’s difficult for you.

        • @PepeLivesMatter@lemmy.today
          -17 months ago

          I never made the point that it didn’t affect gas prices, you failed to deny Trump’s impact on gas prices.

          Huh? You argued here that Trump’s $2 gas somehow caused Biden’s $4 gas. That is patently false. Trump made decisions that increased domestic production, which lead to lower prices. Biden reversed those decisions, which drove the prices up again.

          Again, we can argue about the environmental impact of those decisions all we want, but this is simple cause and effect. Arguing that Biden had no agency in the higher gas prices is nonsensical.

          • @Cowbee
            7 months ago

            I did not argue that point. I claimed that Trump’s dogshit economic policy was a major factor in today’s inflation, but I understand that reading and logic don’t come naturally to you. Trump made decisions that directly harmed the economy in the long run purely to make himself look better.

            We cannot argue about environmental impact, it’s a fact. The fact that you even suggest that it’s arguable proves your own lack of intelligence, the same as you pretending I claimed Biden had no impact.

            • @PepeLivesMatter@lemmy.today
              07 months ago

              Deflection, ad hominem, deflection, ad hominem. Do you have any actual arguments?

              You said, and I quote “Do you understand that the economy has momentum that takes years to fully manifest? We don’t live in a command economy, lmao.”

              As soon as Biden came into office, he canceled the pipeline and put a moratorium on oil leases. Within a matter of months, prices started rising. Are you really saying those two things had nothing to do with each other, or that Trump was somehow to blame for this?

              • @Cowbee
                27 months ago

                Plenty, but they appear to go over your head as you constantly dodge and pull whataboutisms.

                Yes, I said that.

                Trump isn’t to blame for Biden’s impact on gas prices. At the same time, Biden isn’t to blame for the disastrous economic policy of Trump that caused massive inflation and instilled purely incompetent people into stations like the Supreme Court. Gas prices have trajectory, if you can recognize that Biden has had a negative impact on gas prices then surely you can understand that Trump royally fucked the economy, along with Social Programs and steered the US towards fascism.

                I’m not a Biden Stan, I think he’s a shitty lib. Shitty libs are better than incompetent fascists.