Ask Lemmy is a place to ask thought provoking questions. The mods have been lenient with some of the recent posts on the basis that they must provoke thought for some people, but after seeing two posts essentially saying “what do you think of my stick?”, I believe we can raise the bar a bit on what kind of thoughts we want to provoke here.

No more low effort posts please.

  • JokeDeity
    11 months ago

    How about don’t be a gatekeeping micro manager and let the system ebb and flow like it should? There’s literally no reason that this has to be just like Reddit. Let people talk like normal humans, remove anything truly heinous of course, but let the rest sort itself out. This is literally what the filter options are for, it’s why you can sort posts by so many different methods. The worst fucking thing about Reddit for years before they made any of these API changes was the extremely heavy handed moderation in most subs, the longer we avoid falling into that pit the better. Plus if this is the way you want the community to be, the name really isn’t very fitting for it and should be given up for a community that is about asking questions to Lemmings, period.