For me, it’s jingle all the way. It’s got everything. A drunk reindeer. A terrorist mailman. Arnold punching a deer. Arnold punching Sinbad. Arnold punching Santa. Arnold in general.

Edit: sure are a lot of die hard fans of Die Hard.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    10 months ago

    Ever notice how Arnold is always punching random animals, from deer to the camels in Conan the barbarian’s tribe to I think a horse in one of the other movies? Wondering if that’s a thing he asks for, like in every movie he asks “can I punch an animal in a part of the movie”.

    But anyways, I know Die Hard sounds cliché and like a dead meme at this point to choose, but aside from Elf, all the Christmas movies are so gimmicky in none of the good ways. In Die Hard, it’s not trying too hard, which is exactly why I choose it even though it also makes it exempt from Christmas movie status to a lot of people.