Biden seeks to “allow for the transfer of all categories of defense articles,” his request states

The White House has formally requested the removal of restrictions on all categories of weapons Israel is allowed to access from U.S. weapons stockpiles in the country, as I reported in detail for The Intercept today. So you know I’m not exaggerating, here’s a screenshot of the request:

The request would also remove nearly all other limits on Israel’s ability to access the U.S. weapons stockpiles — permanently —by doing the following:

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  • @penquin
    -26 months ago

    He never will be, but I can’t vote for Biden either. Maybe the country DOES need to burn to the ground so people do something about it.

    • What a ridiculously stupid take. Are you in High School or something? Have you ever heard of the saying “cutting off your nose to spite your face?”

        116 months ago

        It doesn’t matter if you think it’s a stupid take or not. Focusing on one person here won’t change the fact that enthusiasm for Biden is already low. Telling someone they are stupid because they feel this way certainly won’t change their mind and will more likely solidify their position. I think we should be more vocal now about pushing for a different candidate even at this late stage. The polls already show Biden will not get the numbers he did before. The choice between not good and doom just isn’t going to motivate the masses this time. The sad truth is that Biden as the nominee is Trumps best chance at a second term.

          6 months ago

          Polls also showed Hillary was a sure win. Polls don’t matter. VOTING matters. It’s posts like this, or apathetic posts, or posts calling for a 3rd party rather than. Keen that are the ones that cause more damage. Each and every one of these posts should be called out, and I’m sure a good number of them are Russian or Chinese funded disinformation and propaganda campaigns.

          • SUPAVILLAIN
            6 months ago

            “I can’t accept my candidate is shit, so it must be enemy action; can’t possibly be what I’m doin NOPE”

        • @penquin
          36 months ago

          Because they’re brown and are “just Palestinians”. The saddest shit ever is to see how a lot of people in the West are disturbingly detached from reality. It makes me fucking sick.

          • SUPAVILLAIN
            6 months ago

            99.9% of settler-liberals ain’t got no souls in the first place. Why I’m finding less and less of a fuck to give about their ‘democracy’ that only a third of the population Actually gets to participate in burning to the fucking ground.