Do you know of any software that helps with check lists for activities. I’m thinking of something that reminds me everything I need to grab before going fishing, for example.

Ideally, you’d have templates for your activities saved. Then, when you’re about to start one of those activities, you’d create a new ‘instance’ that would automatically give you the check-list for that one time.

I’ve been looking for a while, but in a sea of productivity apps I couldn’t find anything like this.

  • flatbield
    86 months ago

    Joplin. Just make a note. I think they have a to do list feature too but I just make a regular note myself.

      16 months ago

      There are two ways to do a to-do list in Joplin: within the text of a single note or at the next level up, where an entire folder can be populated with full-fledged notes you can individually check off. The flexibility is really nice.