I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016. I didn’t vote.

In 2020 I voted for Trump because knew Biden would be bad. He has done better than I expected but the inflation is killing me and the focus on the wrong thing isn’t helping.

Early on I was a De Santis fan but my interest has waned as he has taken hard stances on things that need compromise.

  • NeuromancerOPM
    10 months ago

    I could talk this topic for days since I was in the middle of it. One big issue was blue states screaming for more aid that they didn’t need. Centers were setup to handle overflow and for the most part weren’t needed and weren’t used. So we diverted money and resources away from other things to do this when it wasn’t even needed.

    One of my favorite stories was in Italy. They used bubble helmets and ED medication as treatment. Just weird to imagine people in bed with helmets on and erections. The ED medicine made sense. Just a weird image.

    Faucci pushed fear and not good decisions. He did some of our briefings and nobody agreed with him but we have to be quiet. The guy was clearly intoxicated by his power.

    I’m not opposed to wearing mask. I’m opposed to pretending they’ll make a difference. Cloth, surgical mask have almost zero benefit. N95 have some benefit but they’re not magical. I encourage people to wear them because it’s better than nothing but all the lies that it’ll end the pandemic or save grandma were fear mongering which I feel id disgusting.

    Yeah I don’t think he realized it’s pretty common knowledge the states run pandemics and the federal government plays a supporting role. I think it’s a crap model but in Covid I think it saved lives. We’d still be in lockdown if fauci could have forced it.