• PizzaMan
    10 months ago

    Becuase they’re not trying “to do the right thing”.

    Helping people get back on their feet, getting them the work they want is the leat we can do given that we played a hand in their countries’ respective downfalls. It was the U.S. that played the biggest role in destabilizing Latin America.

    Helping them is the right thing to do.

    Look at NY, Martha’s Vineyard. The didn’t want these people in their back yards

    That’s not really what happened with that. Martha’s Vineyard is a set of island with a small population of about 17,000. For reference, my city alone has a couple hundred thousand.

    So when they were sent shit loads of immigrants, they couldn’t handle it. The solution is to spread the load. Border states shouldn’t take the brunt of it, neither should small population centers.