Hasbro is shedding 1,100 jobs. SEC filing doesn’t say if they will continue renting Pinkertons.

  • @xyzzy
    25 months ago

    It was a good movie, well-executed and funny, made by people who understood the material. It deserved to perform well.

    Now Wizards will have to squeeze D&D even more to make Hasbro’s unrealistic revenue goals: a bad scenario. I don’t buy books by Wizards anymore, but the further enshitification of D&D should concern everyone who has a stake in the hobby, as D&D is the standard bearer and it’s unlikely Wizards or Hasbro will ever relinquish the brand.

    • Kichae
      15 months ago

      Hasbro might relinquish Wizards, though.

      Unfortunately, it’s likely to be to another corporate entity that will try to squeeze every last drop out of it.