Mœbius: The inspiration for this drawing came from a painting by Maxfield Parrish, which represented a very beautiful girl reclining on a rock. I did this as a joke but behind the joke is an interesting idea. Maybe the girl is really a monster and we now see her true shape. She cries, because she knows she is alone, and she knows she is a monster …

Morning (1921) by Maxfield Parrish. Cover For Life Magazine, April 6, 1922

Screaming Monster (1974) by Mœbius. Cover for Metal Hurlant, very first issue and Heavy Metal, May, 1977

  • JohnnyEnzymeM
    9 months ago

    I did this as a joke but behind the joke is an interesting idea. Maybe the girl is really a monster and we now see her true shape. She cries, because she knows she is alone, and she knows she is a monster …

    Ye gods, that’s hilarious. XD