• @DesertCreosote
    85 months ago

    Can’t speak for the person you’re replying to, but I’m a security engineer and stuff still makes its way to me that you would think would get filtered out by others (and isn’t my job to fix). It just takes the right person thinking “this is obviously a problem with $system, let’s just send it straight over to them so they can fix it quickly!” And then we get the fun job of proving it’s not us and has no relation to us.

    We got a ticket today for packet loss between two systems, neither of which have any of our tools on them…

    • @Rascabin@lemmy.ml
      15 months ago

      I think this is a training issue that needs to be resolved at the Helpdesk level. I understand that nobody is perfect but if you keep seeing tickets like that - Helpdesk managers need to update their training modules and start tweaking the Helpdesk system to have service requests go to the proper groups. Incident tickets are another story but that’s where the training comes in.

      • @DesertCreosote
        15 months ago

        Most of these things are escalated to us by leadership in various departments. Helpdesk is pretty good about not sending us things that aren’t our problem, but various executives still jump to escalating straight to us.