My old person trait is that I think ‘ghosting’ is completely unacceptable and you owe the other person a face-to-face conversation.

  • Cyrus Draegur
    1 year ago

    I kinda agree with you op on ghosting being unacceptable, but NOBODY is entitled to see my face NO ONE. It is not ghosting to straight up tell someone “I am no longer interested in continuing to stay in contact with you.”

    Likewise, my old person trait is the belief that your identity and all details pertaining to it are PERSONAL including voice, likeness, biometric statistics, location, interests - basically, the default human presence online is TEXT ONLY AND NO DESCRIPTION OF ANYTHING CONCRETE until and unless they choose to intentionally disclose more, and nobody, not one mother FUCKING person OR THING has the right to demand of you any more than that. Lastly, that you should guard your information greedily and viciously.