I grew up with $20 walmart blenders, and hated anything that required a blender.

Recently bought a ninja and there is no going back. I’ll never use a crappy blender again.

Anything else like that?

  • @captain_samuel_brady
    174 months ago

    I understand the importance of getting a good mattress, but I’ll be damned if I can figure out whether a mattress actually is any good, expensive or not, without sleeping on it for a while. The whole industry feels like a giant scam.

    • @MaxHardwood@lemmy.ca
      24 months ago

      It really doesn’t matter. Sleep on whatever you’re comfortable on. If that’s a $60 walmart inflatable or a $4k luxury silver lined mattress, whatever gives you the best sleep is right for you.

      • @BluesF@lemmy.world
        34 months ago

        Yes, I think this illustrates the point more than provides any useful advice. I don’t know before I sleep on it if I’m going to sleep well, so how do I choose?