Ideally something you can do with the same people every week so you get to know each other.

  • @rescue_toaster
    324 months ago

    Board games at a local game store. Many will have a board game night.

      54 months ago

      Tagging onto this: there’s tons of games to play that have regular tournaments. I run Warhammer 40k tournaments for my local store, and while you occasionally get tryhards that are less fun, the overwhelming majority of the community just feels like a bunch of people getting together to play plastic soldiers for a day. The new Disney game Lorcana is taking off, and there’s tons of different tabletop games besides just board games to try at a local store!

        14 months ago

        Many have card games too. My local game store has both open Pokemon TCG and Magic free play nights weekly, and tournaments occasionally. They also gave me a lot of free cards and helped me in improving my deck. And this wasn’t only the employees, but other players.

        They also have open DnD games they run twice a week. They give you a character sheet and help you build yours, then run a game for a couple hours. Not sure, but I bet this is more rare because you have to have a good DM who is willing to help new players, run or sometimes create a campaign, and who knows how to help players get to the end when time is limited. (DnD people don’t roast me if I’m wrong, I’m not a frequent player.)

    • sylver_dragon
      44 months ago

      Adjacent to this is: check your local library. Ours has regular board game nights and RPG nights. I’m pretty sure they aren’t actually organized by the library itself, but they use the space and the library lists them on their website and advertises the nights on the board out front.

      14 months ago

      As well as game stores and libraries, board game associations have meetups.

      We have 5 or more clubs around town. Anywhere from 20-50 people at an event, smart interesting people generally.