• @tsonfeir
    14 months ago

    self hosted

    do not require users to open the Terminal at all

    This is not possible. If you self host you have to maintain the server.

      • @tsonfeir
        34 months ago

        cpanel can only do so much. You still have to set up a database. Sure, you could probably do it all with cpanel, but there’s still maintenance. I think what they need is NOT self hosted. Something serverless.

        Ultimately, I think the solution needs to be a new Wordpress competitor that takes advantage of cloud technologies and can be moved around easily if you need to switch hosts. Something that has lots of integration options so you can just choose your own cdn, database host, app host, etc.

        But even then, once you want to go outside the box and make something that doesn’t have a template, you’re gonna touch code, or a terminal.

        • @pastermil@sh.itjust.works
          24 months ago

          Some CMS don’t need database, doing away with a bunch of markdown files instead.

          Not everyone needs a featureful CMS, so something on the level of Wordpress might not be necessary (or even desirable).

          In the end, it might not be your cup of tea, but it is still a valid usecase for many people out there.

          • @tsonfeir
            14 months ago

            I agree, there are lots of options if you don’t need something robust. Especially if you’re willing to compromise on design.

    • 0x1C3B00DAOP
      34 months ago

      It’s definitely possible. There are quite a few self hosting solutions that have UIs for installing/managing applications. The author is saying we need to make those better.

      • @tsonfeir
        14 months ago

        So the CMS needs to handle server upgrades too? Security? Firewalls? The list goes on. That’s a lot to ask for any single piece of software, let alone free —and good.

        I feel like there is a venn diagram for this already.