The world has experienced its hottest day on record, according to meteorologists.

The average global temperature reached 17.01C (62.62F) on Monday, according to the US National Centres for Environmental Prediction.

The figure surpasses the previous record of 16.92C (62.46F) - set back in August 2016.

  • intensely_human
    1 year ago

    What I’m responding to is the sort of thing that arises when people place all the blame for a problem on others without consulting their own responsibility.

    You want to know about power dynamics? When I order a shirt from Amazon it arrives at my door the next day. No king of history has had the kind of power that I wield, except maybe the new King Charles.

    I can speak to my network of people no matter how distant we are. That’s power. I can go 110 mph by pushing my foot to the floor. That’s power. I can see inside my own body and detect tumors before they ever exist on the surface. More power.

    People these days are powerful. But it’s tempting to pretend one has no power, because we know that power comes with responsibility. When a person wants to avoid responsibility, they will craft a story of how powerless they are.

    There’s nothing admirable about pretending not to have power. It’s just a way of hiding from those who might judge how you choose to use it.