cross-posted from:

My grandmother was born in Berlin in 1938. Her father was essentially forced into the army, because he had skills as a mechanic. He was captured by the Russians, and then tortured for the rest of his life essentially. At the end of the war nazi Gestapo went to her home and tried to force her grandfather and all of her under age brothers into the war on the eastern front against Russia. When her grandfather refused, they put a hand gun to his head and shot him in front of the entire family, and then essentially kidnapped. All the young boys and every last one of them died. The only one who survived managed to get away by hiding in an old clothing case. Once the war was pretty much over and the Russians had control of the city, my grandmother watched as her mother was gang raped by Russian soldiers. She actually had her head shaved by her mother so that the Russians would think she was a little boy so they wouldn’t rape her because they were literally raping women of all ages. If you ask me how I view Hitler and his fanatical followers. I would tell you that I despise them because I remember being a young boy and watching an old lady cry as she told me the stories of her youth and the horrors of war. So when you guys start going around calling Republicans Nazis I’m sorry if I don’t take you seriously and I’m really offended by it. This is another reason why I can’t take people seriously that call Trump and his supporters Nazis. The fact of the matter is once Hitler gained enough power, He armed his supporters to the teeth with military grade weaponry, and began a genocide in his own nation against Jews and other minorities. If Trump really was a Nazi and so he were his supporters then during that four year time span he would’ve found ways and means to arm his supporters and begin slaughtering liberals like it was going out of style.

  • Ilikecheese
    1 year ago

    I agree the 2 party system is a joke and only serves to give the illusion of choice in all but the most superficial of cases. But your implication that communism is on the same level of outright evil as Nazism is so far fetched, I’m not even sure what point you’re trying to make.

    Also, if there truly was a large group effort to establish actual communism (and not just ramping up programs like socialized healthcare and improved infrastructure) and make it mainstream within this country, I would have no problems combatting those efforts in any way I saw fit, as I believe the large majority of people that vote democrat would. I was going to ask if you could say the same thing regarding Nazis with the GOP, but that’s not even a hypothetical question I have to ask you, as there are plenty of examples of that simply not happening.

      1 year ago

      But your implication that communism is on the same level of outright evil as Nazism is so far fetched

      True. I failed to Emphasize how much worse communism is

      • Ilikecheese
        1 year ago

        If the OP still wants to get offended when people think that Republicans are the same thing as Nazis, here’s your reasoning why. Taking material items away from people is far more evil to you people than genocide (of minorities though, so it’s all good)

        Sorry I even tried to have a civil conversation with you. At least you showed your true colors before I wasted too much of my time.

          • Ilikecheese
            1 year ago

            Nah, this entire thread discussion is me actively trying to not be a troll. I could break out the insults or tell you how stupid you are or what a piece of shit you are, but at the end of the day, you just openly admitted to being at the very least a Nazi sympathizer. There’s no intelligent civil discussion to be had following that. Period.

            “You cannot reason people out of positions they didn’t reason themselves into.”

              • Ilikecheese
                1 year ago

                Nah, idiots like you like to twist the definition of words to suit your agenda. So to you a troll is just someone who disagrees with how you’ve been brainwashed, just like me posing fact based arguments is what you called propaganda. Up until you admitted to being a Nazi lover I was engaging in this conversation genuinely, but now that you’ve shown your true colors, you can go fuck yourself with a rusty dildo and then fellate a shotgun. There’s no point in me even trying to have an intellectual debate with someone who isn’t capable of the same in return.

                That’s a small taste of what it would look like if I were actually trying to troll you.

                  1 year ago

                  Nah, idiots like you like to twist the definition of words to suit your agenda

                  Brilliant quote from the guy calling everyone he doesn’t like a nazi. Funny how you’re the one calling people brainwashed trolls just because they don’t unquestioningly support your crap

                  • Ilikecheese
                    1 year ago

                    I’ve called exactly one person here a nazi lover/sympathizer and that was checks notes the guy who openly admitted to being a nazi sympathizer.

                    I’ve had nothing but civil conversations with everyone else here except for you. And I’ve explained pretty clearly why it’s not possible to have a civil intelligent conversation with you and you continue to do absolutely nothing but prove me right.

                    I like how you were whining about me using a strawman argument, I guess what they say about the right is true, every accusation is an admission of guilt with you guys.