• gregorum
    8 months ago

    ok, I know little about this guy, and I’m certainly not a sports fan, but the hilarious internet phenomenon this has become - well beyond just a simple meme - is one of my favorite things, especially because It has endured so long. it’s just so simple and innocent and silly.

    whomever the original sculptor was, fucking bless their heart, has been - in my mind - fully redeemed for their utter incompetence because of the lightning-in-a-bottle they managed to capture in this uncanny valley horror that the entire world has rallied around for, now, more years than I can remember (thanks, covid!). this utter failure of art has become successful, not only because of its resilience in the zeitgeist, but because it has, itself, transformed in the public’s perception - from horrific to beloved - taking on a life of its own.