If a man can be a woman. Why can’t a white woman be black?

  • NeuromancerOPM
    -54 months ago

    You’re the only one worked up over it. Funny how you throw a fit and nobody is taking your bait. What’s a joke is your attempt to troll

      • NeuromancerOPM
        -84 months ago

        You’re the only one upset. It’s funny to watch.

        The only joke is you. It’s funny to watch but you are compelled to keep replying. The troll runs strong in you.

        • @Zombiepirate@lemmy.world
          24 months ago

          The best part is that anytime someone says something that you can’t respond to because you know it’s true, you always run away and pretend that you “won.”

          Better clowns than the circus.

          • NeuromancerOPM
            -54 months ago

            You’re quite delusional. You build a strawman and claim victory. Yet, you can’t show anyone pissed off other than yourself.

            You are a perfect example of clown world.