I use Fedora 38, it’s stable, things just work, and the software is up-to-date.

  • kill_dash_nine
    1 year ago

    This is a similar reason as to why I use Debian as my base operating system and for just about every service I run on my host, the processes are containerized using Docker. It gives me the flexibility to choose the best “operating system” that supports the software I want to run at the release cadence that suits how I want to consume it for a given piece of software, and the base host OS is just that and nothing more. Upgrades to new Debian releases are non-events and I get no surprises with my apps in containers.

    I can upgrade the underlying container base operating systems as I need which I choose Alpine, Debian, and Ubuntu based on which fits my needs. Alpine gets updates quickly, Debian is good for core services that I would normally run natively on my host, and Ubuntu hits well for wide support of almost every other service I need. So I get a stable base with the option to go as quickly as I need if I have a need for a newer package. It’s not always about having the newest software, it’s about stability where it counts.

    • Avid Amoeba@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      Exactly. I haven’t used PPAs, pinning or backporting for many years now. Docker, Flatpak and Snap take care of nearly all use cases.