I can imagine people having fun getting lost in the flow of playing a competitive sport. I’ve also heard some people experience a post-workout high. But does anyone actually feel pleasure in the moment while lifting weights, jogging, cycling, etc?

If so… what does it feel like? Is there anything the rest of us can do to cultivate such a mindset?

  • flashgnash
    1 year ago

    For me there is no greater endorphin rush than listening to some really good bassey music and really pushing myself on a cardio machine

    Rum & bass + rowing machine really got the adrenaline going for me, was actually comparable to being high for a period of time

    Lifting weights is different but feels very good to see yourself in the mirror lifting something heavier than you’ve ever done before and you get addicted to chasing that feeling

    I think part of the mindset is getting yourself to embrace the physical punishment and actively seek it out, couldn’t tell you exactly how to do that but for me a lot of the time knowing it’s going to be difficult will get me more excited now