• ThrowawayM
    7 months ago

    Okay, thats not true, but you say you care about rule of law.

    What Bidens admin is doing is being a coyote. Similar thing.

    • PizzaMan
      7 months ago

      Okay, thats not true

      What’s not true?

      What Bidens admin is doing is being a coyote. Similar thing.

      What the hell does that even mean?

      • ThrowawayM
        7 months ago

        tricking said immigrants

        That parts not true. He was using them to hurt political opponents, because illegals hurt, and hurting them was the only way to get democrats to realize that. He tried using his words for years, and then he decided that if democrats wanted them, they could have them.

        Worked brilliantly.

        What Bidens admin is doing is being a coyote. Similar thing.

        A coyote is a human smuggler, specifically one that gets illegal immigrants from Mexico to America. That’s exactly what Biden’s admin is doing.

        • PizzaMan
          7 months ago

          That parts not true.

          Looking into it, I was remembering DeSantis’ bullshittery, as he was the one explicitly caught tricking immigrants. But regardless I doubt Abott has been any better:

          “Migrants are regularly tricked and defrauded as part of their trafficking experience, with traffickers and exploiters taking advantage of their recent arrival, limited English proficiency, and unfamiliarity with our government systems and labor laws. In a recently released study of 4,000 legal temporary workers in the United States between 2018 to 2020, Polaris found that in 34 percent of cases migrants reported that misrepresentation of destination/work situation was part of their trafficking experience.”



          He was using them to hurt political opponents, because illegals hurt, and hurting them was the only way to get democrats to realize that. He tried using his words for years, and then he decided that if democrats wanted them, they could have them.

          Worked brilliantly.

          Yeah that’s not really an accurate view of what happened. The democrats rose to the occasion to help get them housed and fed while things get worked out.

          If anything it just continues to show how cruel republicans are. When democrats are given the tired and the poor, they help them out. When republicans are given the tired and the poor they deport them and let them starve.

          A coyote is a human smuggler, specifically one that gets illegal immigrants from Mexico to America. That’s exactly what Biden’s admin is doing.

          Not really smuggling when it is public information & through humanitarian parole. And most of it isn’t from Mexico. According to the below NYT article, roughly half of the immigrants have been Ukranians.



          So even by your own definition your name calling isn’t accurate.

            • PizzaMan
              7 months ago

              New York declared a state of emergency, took 1.5 billion dollars in funds, and deployed the military. That shit worked. Heres a direct link if you dont believe me.

              All it took was 30,000 illegals.

              That shit “worked” because republicans were intentionally causing chaos that isn’t inherently a part of taking in refugees. I’m pretty sure I’ve already explained this to you in a different thread, but I’ll explain it again.

              If you have 10 bags that can each hold 100 marbles, and each one is currently holding 80 marbles, you have room for 200 more marbles. But if you send 200 marbles to a single bag, the bag will break.

              The correct move is to evenly distribute the marbles so no one bag takes on too much. But republicans are intentionally sending all 200 marbles to one bag to break it to make a point that completely misses the point democrats are making, which is that the marbles should be evenly distributed so as not to cause problems, and naturally the bags will losen/grow over time so they will eventually be able to handle more.

              But every time any immigration reform comes to the table to fix this issue, republicans shoot it down in congress.

              You guys are intentionally preventing a solution, while intentionally causing more problems because you’re unhappy there isn’t a solution. The “playing chess with a pigeon” phrase doesn’t do it justice to explain what clowns republicans representatives are acting like on this issue.

              Can refugees murder people? No? Then the laws still apply to them.

              I never suggested otherwise.

              • ThrowawayM
                7 months ago

                That shit “worked” because republicans were intentionally causing chaos that isn’t inherently a part of taking in refugees.

                Theyre illegals. Chaos is inherent with illegally immigrats.

                If you have 10 bags that can each hold 100 marbles, and each one is currently holding 80 marbles, you have room for 200 more marbles. But if you send 200 marbles to a single bag, the bag will break.

                NYC has a population of 23 million. Its bag is very big.

                Eagle Pass has a population of 28,596. Its bag is a thousand times smaller.

                I’m not sure thats the argument you want to make.

                But every time any immigration reform comes to the table to fix this issue, republicans shoot it down in congress.

                That bill was to open the border. Republicans shot it down correctly.

                I never suggested otherwise.

                Yes, you did. “Refugees” illegally immigrate and claim asylum when they get caught. They broke the law.

                • PizzaMan
                  7 months ago

                  Chaos is inherent with illegally immigrats.

                  No it isn’t. We have options:

                  1. Do nothing, allow the status quo of chaos to continue

                  2. Reform the immigration system, allow people to immigrate cheaply and quickly so long as they are able to prove their identity, or show evidence for need of asylum. Orderly distribute the population so no one city has to adjust quickly.

                  Option number two is not chaotic, option one is. Republicans are choosing option one, chaos.

                  NYC has a population of 23 million. Its bag is very big. Eagle Pass has a population of 28,596. Its bag is a thousand times smaller. I’m not sure thats the argument you want to make.

                  As shocking as it is, I am aware different cities have different populations and abilities.

                  Which is why the distribution of immigrants should be distributed evenly per capita, with some consideration for cost of living. We’ve got plenty of wealth, resources, and space to give these people a place to live. We’re just doing stupid shit with our taxes and land.

                  We landed on the moon. We can handle building some housing. And we already produce plenty of food.

                  And at the end of the day, immigrants are a net positive economically. It takes a while and an upfront cost, but it is worth it in the long run economically. And they produce less crime than the existing population, so your scare tactics of crime are just silly.

                  And that’s even before the morality aspect of this, given that we destroyed their countries, and providing them a place to exist is the least we can do.

                  That bill was to open the border.

                  No it wasn’t. And regardless, I was speaking towards a general trend, not just that one bill.

                  Yes, you did. “Refugees” illegally immigrate and claim asylum when they get caught. They broke the law.

                  It’s a generally misdemeanor in the face of a broken bureaucracy. And even then, it isn’t always a crime, as about half of them arrive legally and overstay their welcome.


                  Big whoop.

                  And even to the extent that illegal entry is a part of this, in no way am I suggesting that “laws don’t apply to murder” like you said. Quit being dishonest about what I am saying.

                  • ThrowawayM
                    7 months ago

                    Reform the immigration system, allow people to immigrate cheaply and quickly so long as they are able to prove their identity, or show evidence for need of asylum. Orderly distribute the population so no one city has to adjust quickly.

                    Are you seriously suggesting an open border? In a country with welfare? Surely you can see why its a bad idea.

                    Which is why the distribution of immigrants should be distributed evenly per capita, with some consideration for cost of living. We’ve got plenty of wealth, resources, and space to give these people a place to live. We’re just doing stupid shit with our taxes and land.

                    And those are not infinite. If we dont use them wisely, we will run into shortages.

                    30,000 was enough to overwhelm NYC, with a population of 23 million. It would take roughly 400,000 to match that ratio nationwide. We have had 7.5 million encouters since Biden took over, and those are just the ones that got caught, and its not like we werent getting 200,000 every year before. I wouldnt be surprised if a solid 5% of people in America were illegals at this point.


                    We are doing “stupid shit with our taxes and land” by letting illegals overwhelm us.

                    “laws don’t apply to murder”

                    You claimed laws dont apply to so-called “refugees”, don’t lie about the very thread we’re in.