I use the apps my friends use but it gets tiring to keep up with so many.

  • @uis
    3 months ago

    a “deletedForYou=true” flag on the message

    Source please. Anyway:

    But also in last sentence they explicitly say that it is possible for not all copies to be deleted.

    Same goes for SMTP. Do you complain about SMTP in same way?

    • @LWD
      3 months ago

      Source please.

      I showed you the source. All you can say was “it seems to be either typo or even mistake.”

      in last sentence they explicitly say that it is possible for not all copies to be deleted[*]

      Same goes for SMTP.

      Apples to oranges. Matrix is Matrix, not email.

      I noticed you shifted this argument from “Matrix is responsibly deleting data” to “Matrix shouldn’t delete data because…”

      * And to clarify, Matrix says “not all copies will be deleted” because they built their server intentionally to never delete any other copy of your messages when you request an account deletion.