Hello all, happy early spring to those of you who are experiencing it! Here in western Colorado, we’ve got our tiny rainy season going on. what are you doing in your communities, in your gardens, in your organizing spaces? what kind of cool praxis have you got going on?

  • @conditional_soup
    3 months ago

    Growing native plants. I’m going to propagate the natives to try and fill all the ecology gaps the weeds have taken over. So far, having great success with California Poppies, hoping to grow on that with some Yerba Santa, Coffeberry, and assorted native wildflowers.

    Once I’ve got a little room in my grow tent, I’m going to start propagating native clump grasses, owl clovers, and Triteleias.

    • hamtron5000OP
      13 months ago

      I’ve never heard of coffeeberry, but I’m intrigued! I’ll need to look it up.

      • @conditional_soup
        23 months ago

        Disclaimer: you cannot make coffee with it. People have been trying for years because of the name and the similar appearance of the fruit and seeds. It just doesn’t work. But the fruits are edible!