• Gorilladrums@sh.itjust.works
    11 months ago

    You can go fuck yourself with a barbed dildo.

    The idea that Fascism and Marxism were opposites was popularized by Soviet propaganda. The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were allies for awhile, and they even invaded Poland together to start WWII. The Soviet Union didn’t become one of the allies until Hitler betrayed Stalin and invaded them. During the war, the Soviet Union suffered a lot and the scars that were left behind has left the population bitter and resentful. The Soviet government exploited the fear and hatred the people had towards the Germans to their advantage. They started using Fascism as an excuse to abuse power. They claimed anything they didn’t like as fascist to ban it and they accused anybody they didn’t like as fascist to arrest them or take them out. At the same time, they started spreading propaganda narratives about how the good and noble communism saved the world from evil and vile fascism.

    The reason why I said all this was to point out that the Soviet Union was not better than Nazi Germany. Marxism was not the opposite of Fascism. Fascism and Marxism ARE cousin ideologies and they share A LOT of similarities. They have more in common than differences, especially when it comes to committing atrocities, being tyrannical, and being pure evil. The Soviet Union committed genocides, invasions, engineered famines, forced deportations, ethnic cleansing, oppression, brutal labor camps, destruction of cultural heritage, toppling foreign governments, and the list goes on and on. Here’s a very, very short list of atrocities that the Soviets committed:

    • The Soviet famine of 1930-1933: 1.5 million deaths
    • The Kazakh famine of 1930–33: 1.5 million to 2.3 million deaths
    • Holodomor: 3.5 million to 7 million deaths
    • The Red Terror: 100k to 1.2 million deaths
    • Soviet deportations: 800k to 1.5 million deaths
    • NKVD prisoner massacres: 100k
    • Great Purge: 680k to 1.2 million
    • De-Cossackization: 10k to 700k

    The Nazis killed 17 million people between 1933 and 1945, that’s 12 years. Most academic estimates put the Soviet Union’s death toll between 20 million on the very low end and 150 million on the very high end, with most estimates agreeing that 60 million is probably the most accurate figure. The Soviet Union killed this many people 74 years. If we calculate the deaths per year, Nazi Germany would come out to around 1.4 million deaths/year while the Soviet union is around 810k deaths/year. There’s a caveat here though because most of the Soviet Unions atrocities happened between 1918 and 1950, which was around the same time the Nazis were active. So when the Nazis were around, the Soviet union was more than likely murdering a similar amounts of people a year as the Nazis.

    The Soviet Union was evil, so tyrannical, and so murderous that it’s legacy still haunts its victims today. Just go and ask the Ukrainians, Poles, Lithuanians, Kazakhs, Estonians, Belarussians, Latvians, or the dozen other ex-Warsaw pact and ex-Soviet states how they feel about the Soviet Union. There’s a reason why a huge chunk of them ended up banning communist symbols just like they banned Nazi symbols. In their eyes, they’re the same type of evil and they’re absolutely correct. Not convinced? How about you go ask Moldovans, Uzbeks, Armenians, Georgians, Azeris, Tajkis, or the Kyrgyz how they feel about the Soviet Union fucked up their borders with the intention to keep them in conflict with their neighbors. Or better yet, why don’t you go ask the surviving Chechens, Ingushi, Karachai, Balkars, Kalmyks, Meskhetian Turks, and Crimean Tatars and ask them what happened to their people?

    But it goes deeper than that because the Soviet Union was a very antisemtic regime in it’s own right. The Marxists when they came to power they seized Jewish synagogues, they forced rabbis to resign under the threat of persecution, and they dissolved Jewish communities. Stalin specifically was especially bad. Before WWII tried to please and appease Hitler by promising to work together with him to get rid of Jewish global domination and he even purged his ranks of Jews. He did this to sign alliance with Hitler… which he ended up doing. After WWII, things didn’t get better, he still ended up persecuting and executing Jewish intellectuals, activists, politicians, and community leaders, many under trumped up charged. He also launched a campaign to liquidate Jewish culture where closed Jewish theaters, newspapers, museums, and libraries. He also started the Doctor’s plot, which was an antisemitic conspiracy theory that accused Jewish medical professional of conspiring to kill government leaders and party officials.

    The Soviets were in fact just as bad, if not worse than the Nazis. If after all of this, you still deny their atrocities then you’re an idiot or evil. In that case then just get out of my feed. No seriously, don’t fucking respond to me if you’re going to swoop to a level this low. Atrocity deniers don’t deserve engagement. I hope you will at the very least acknowledge the evils of the Soviet Union.

    • gayhitler420
      11 months ago

      I almost want to thank you for this post.

      I was feeling pretty bad for hitting back so aggressively on your antisemitism. Especially in America, the more insidious ideas like double genocide theory are almost taught in school!

      Sometimes a person should be treated like they walked dog shit inside rather than like they’re actively trying to equate the Nazis and the people who fought against them and liberated the concentration camps.

      But here you have laid out a perfect example of double genocide theory in excruciating detail!

      If you don’t already know, double genocide theory is the idea that the actions of the Soviet Union were as bad or worse than the Nazis and is propped up by rolling the deaths both direct and indirect under the Soviets all together and saying it’s a bigger number so they must have been worse.

      Lots of times people pushing this idea will cherry pick sources out of different time periods to make the biggest numbers, use discredited sources like the black book of communism and ignore the huge body of research into the Soviet archives that were opened up after ‘92.

      Heres wikipedia and the magazine jewish currents so you can learn more about what it is you’re actually saying.

      Please, please don’t push the antisemitic double genocide theory any more. It’s not acceptable here or anywhere else.

      • Gorilladrums@sh.itjust.works
        11 months ago

        Everything that I stated is literal historical facts. The Soviet Union was antisemitic. The Soviet Union was allied with Nazi Germany. The Soviet Union did all the atrocities that I listed and much more. The Soviet Union did end up killing an estimated 60 million people, and oppressing tens of millions more. This isn’t some conspiracy theory and it isn’t obfuscation of history, it’s an acknowledgement of it. Recognizing how evil the Soviet Union was and just how many horrific atrocities they committed doesn’t take away from the crimes that the Nazis committed. But you already know that. You already know that the Soviet Union committed all these atrocities, you know that Soviet Union was antisemtic, you know that they were just as, if not more evil, than the Nazis… but you just don’t care. You’re so ideologically brainwashed, your mind is so rotten that you literally refuse to accept facts because it contradicts your myopic worldview. You’ve already showed your true colors, and they’re exactly as I suspected. You’re a genocide and atrocity denier and clearly committed to defending the crimes committed by the Soviet Union. You are as vile as they come, truly the scum of the earth. Just as I have stated earlier, you no longer deserve the benefit of the doubt or any further engagement. So please, kindly go fuck yourself and never speak to me again.

        • gayhitler420
          11 months ago

          I never denied anything.

          I pushed back on your claim that the Soviet Union (the people who defeated nazi germany and liberated concentration camps) was just as bad as the nazis, with sources and civility.

          I only replied to that particular part of your post because it’s a well known and documented form of antisemitism that has been used to normalize the various fascist and Nazi groups in Europe as well as outright deny and deemphasize the holocaust.

          Please stop spewing hate and vitriol, surely we can talk about this like normal people!

          You don’t need to make posts like the last few you’ve typed up!

            • gayhitler420
              11 months ago

              I recommend you use the block user function. You can find it by clicking on someone’s username and looking for the button marked “block user”.