Hello, I usually run the same command with async-shell-command, however I have to navigate back to the last command history to trigger my last run command, is there any way async-shell-command (and shell-command) can autofill with last run command so that I just hit enter without extra steps?

  • abbreviatedman@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I tweaked the answer somewhat, as it bothered me that we were getting the most recent command inserted and having it show up again when you decide to go back to an earlier command. In other words, with the OP’s advice, we get the most recent command in the minibuffer history twice, once auto-filled and once in the regular history.

    I’m sure there are cleaner ways to do it than using a custom global variable no other functions know about, which could I think lead to some weird side effects at some point… but for now, I like the behavior:

    (defvar crj-most-recent-shell-command (car shell-command-history))
    (defun crj--pop-shell-command-history (fn &rest _args)
      (setq crj-most-recent-shell-command (car shell-command-history))
      (let ((shell-command-history (cdr shell-command-history)))
        (apply fn _args)))
    (defun crj--auto-fill-shell-commands (args)
      (list (car args) crj-most-recent-shell-command))
    (advice-add 'read-shell-command :around #'crj--pop-shell-command-history)
    (advice-add 'read-shell-command :filter-args #'crj--auto-fill-shell-commands)

    Let me know if anyone has improvements/objections!