• ℛ𝒶𝓋ℯ𝓃
    2057 months ago

    This is what I love about the fediverse. On the Lemmy side we’ve seen it in action with lemmygrad. Private platforms need moderators to do that, which let’s be real, doesn’t generate enough profit to be worth their time…

    • @echo64@lemmy.world
      807 months ago

      Hmm, Twitter used to at least try before. Advertisers don’t like Eat Fresh! Running below a nazi tweet. There are at least some market forces keeping them at bay, which is why their social platforms keep failing.

      Nothing Beats communities that are willing to oust bad elements, though

      • @RickyRigatoni@lemmy.ml
        347 months ago

        Advertisers didn’t like their ads running next to a nazi tweet until they saw how much money they could make off nazis after one of them was made potus.

        • @echo64@lemmy.world
          367 months ago

          Nope, they still don’t. Except pillow guy. Hence why the nazi networks keep falling and why x is failing.

          • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
            177 months ago

            It’s a reason Twitter is failing, but it’s not the reason. Even without the nazis they’d be struggling because their owner just keeps making bad financial and business decisions like not paying rent, trying to rebrand, and illegal firings

            • @echo64@lemmy.world
              47 months ago

              Eh. He doesn’t pay rent to cut costs, he fires to cut costs. All of this is because he wants to run twitter as a nazi platform that doesn’t have advertising backing. Advertising is the only reason a free service like Twitter can exist, and the nazis are the reason that the advertisers left.

              • @captainlezbian@lemmy.world
                57 months ago

                It’s also because he overpaid for it. It’d be in bad but recoverable shape without this behavior and his desire to run it as a Nazi platform. But all of it is connected. He wouldn’t’ve made the hasty decisions to purchase if he didn’t want to run it as a Nazi platform and struggle with impulse control, but also had he found himself in the position of owning it with the massive loss in value from purchase price caused by his waiving of due diligence at the worst possible time he still could’ve hunkered down and treated it like a company he owns and wants to be profitable. From there he could cut costs at reasonable pace, listened to management as to how to minimize headcount, and done market research to maximize value to shareholders. But most notably he could’ve done reasonable cost cutting and made it a Nazi platform. It was gonna hemorrhage money either way. He just decided to be an idiot about it.

                So what’s the problem with it? Elon. Not one single facet of him, though his impulse control is likely high up there, but all of him. At every point he’s making the decisions that ordinary people can see are financially unwise against all advice of experts and professionals. Decisions he should know better than to make.

                • @Aqarius@lemmy.world
                  37 months ago

                  He didn’t even want to buy it, he was trying to pump and dump, the court made him go through with the purchase.

                • @SnipingNinja@slrpnk.net
                  7 months ago

                  He’s also the only shareholder now AFAIK, though that’s based on loans, so those lenders can do a takeover of sorts (maybe? I’ve only read some headlines claiming that)

        • @Jerkules_Jerkules@lemmy.world
          157 months ago

          platforms driven by user created content like the nazis, and other extreme right ideologues, because the audience for them consumes that content like religious zealots going to services, getting in their daily requirements of indoctrination. This inflates user engagement. However, the businesses advertising their services, and products, on those platforms do not like their company being associated with these people.

      • @agent_flounder@lemmy.world
        257 months ago

        It’s nice when the primary goal of the owners and mods and aligns with the users.

        Chasing profit is the worst mechanism in so many cases. One of those cases is when competition is by nature very limited. Social media kind of fails unless you have very few places to go. And you’re locked in if your friends are all on the same offering.

    • BolexForSoup
      417 months ago

      Lemmy world just removed their non-discrimination clause and one of the admins is (poorly) justifying it in a thread about it. I wouldn’t cheer quite yet.

      • Yote.zip
        567 months ago

        This is only a problem because lemmy.world has become one of the centralized hubs for Lemmy, which means that jettisoning them has a larger impact. The failing of lemmy.world is a reminder that we should be intentionally spreading out to smaller instances, that way a bad admin/instance can be cut off without losing much value. Additionally, by lemmy.world/lemmy.ml/etc having such a grip on the core of Lemmy, they are emboldened to make bad changes without fearing consequences.

        • BolexForSoup
          7 months ago

          Totally. I would love to stand up an instance but it’s a little above my tech knowledge and, frankly, I don’t want to have to think about the legal aspects of what happens on it.

          If I ever somehow did it, I would probably not allow photos/videos. Disable downvotes. Things like that.

          • Yote.zip
            137 months ago

            I’m not the All-Keeper of Receipts on this matter and I don’t have a Lemmy.World account, this is just what I’ve gleaned from various posts coming across my timeline. My comment you’re replying to was also meant more to emphasize the strength of decentralization against this kind of behavior, both reactive and proactive, instead of being a shot at Lemmy.World directly.

            That said, from my understanding, there’s a few things they’ve done recently that users are questioning. They’ve changed their TOS/Code of Conduct, dropping some explicit protections for the usual protected classes i.e. gender identity/ethnicity/disability/etc and generally making the rules more unclear than before. The thread here is a brief look into that, and I especially appreciate the post by fiat_lux within it. Note the admin Xilly has responded within and said they would look into adding these things back, but obviously the conspicuous removal of them caused a lot of eyebrow-raising. A couple extra threads about this are here and here

            A user was also recently banned for questioning the TOS, which they report here, and provide an archive.org link to their comments here, since the L.W team wiped their account out when banning them. Their comment seems like a very fair criticism, which the L.W admins supposedly invoked users to provide. This clearly seems like a power-tripping admin taking personal offense and deliberately permabanning and wiping out their account in direct response to the user’s concerns of this exact thing happening, giving the impression of immaturity and laissez-faire enforcement of the rules. Additionally, wiping out a user’s content while banning them is a good way to cover your tracks on the actual ban reason. It’s a good thing archive.org was available to catch this one.

            Speaking of archive.org, L.W has also recently started banning archive.org links and any posts that question that decision, which is discussed here.

            I’m really not invested into this saga so if someone else has more receipts or insight on these situations feel free to add on.

        • @nybble41@programming.dev
          -37 months ago

          The more users spread out into smaller, more easily censored instances, the more the remaining fragmented bits of the Lemmy ecosystem still talking to each other will turn into echo chambers full of groupthink. This low threshold for defederation is the Fediverse’s greatest weakness. Sure, it’s possible to work around it—but how many separate Lemmy accounts are users expected to create? Even if you have accounts on every instance of note you’d need to manually cross-post messages to each balkanized server and their comment sections wouldn’t be shared—exactly the sort of thing federation was meant to avoid.

          Email, another federated system, has this same weakness. It’s why it’s increasingly difficult to run your own (outgoing) email server which other systems will accept messages from without going through a well-known third party like Google. Especially when trying to push content to a large audience (e.g. mailing lists), which happens to be Lemmy’s core function.

          • @Natanael@slrpnk.net
            77 months ago

            Bluesky is using content addressing to deal with this, although currently it is only built around feeds and not forums. Your profile is truly portable and posts can optionally be retrieved from “mirrors” (one of the CDN-like servers called BGS) so you don’t need to rely on your current hosting server (the account hosts called PDS) to federate with everybody.

      • @MasimatutuOP
        137 months ago

        Agreed. In order to keep a upvote/downvote based platform from becoming toxic, a lot of good moderation is required. Lemmy.world is definitely not doing that.

        • gregorum
          47 months ago

          The fact that the Lemmy devs refuse to prioritize the development of effective and powerful mod tools is also a problem.

            • BolexForSoup
              67 months ago

              I do think they have a lot of similar culture issues, make no mistake. But stormfront was literally a white supremacist website. It was the explicit purpose. I think we’re not quite that bad around here lol

              • SUPAVILLAIN
                57 months ago

                Stormfront was blatant. .world is a lot more ‘subtle’ and crypto- about it, but make no mistake, the same supremacy lives there. I know what to look for on that charge, I’ve been seeing it and living isolated by it for years now.

    • @Natanael@slrpnk.net
      77 months ago

      Bluesky has federation running in a sandbox network and is built to support 3rd party moderation tools both server side, client side, and in the custom feeds. Currently all users are on the main server which isn’t yet federating, though.

      BTW one neat thing about those 3rd party mod tools is that you won’t need to wait for the server owner to act

  • @galoisghost@aussie.zone
    977 months ago

    Depends on the instance. Some have the BlueSky response. Some have the Xitter response.

    Don’t believe me, ask a black Mastodon user.

    • Nikelui
      467 months ago

      Yes, but those instances are normally the ones that get blocked by half of the web.

      • @galoisghost@aussie.zone
        467 months ago

        No I mean instances like mastodon.world who do ok moderating their own users, but are very poor at moderating the instances that federate with them. So any minority users who joins mastodon.world can still be (and is, I’ve seen it) subject to the worst bigotry on the fediverse.

        • BolexForSoup
          7 months ago

          I’m just so tired of watching green mods make the same mistakes. “It’s not my job to weigh in on debates or tell people what to think.” No, but it’s your job to reduce disruption in a community. If someone comes in going “being gay is a choice if you ask me,” they have about 30 seconds to clarify their position or they’re gone from my discord server and generally that won’t do it. We have a lot of LGBT folks who have NO desire to deal with those people in a the little corner of friends we’ve created. That person is not entitled to their time and attention. It is our job to look out for the best interests of all our users, yet we categorically see mods get bogged down by a handful of incredibly disruptive attention seekers/combative personalities that make it shitty for everyone else. It’s so predictable at this point.

          We banned someone a few months ago from our discord who had some of the best insights about gaming I’ve ever seen. The dude was remarkable. But my god he was such a jerk! He kept being such an ass to people who disagreed with him. “That’s just a brain dead take.” “People who like that have no taste so frankly I don’t care what you or they think.” Just constant antagonism that halted all conversation and made people feel like crap. So we booted him! We asked him to stop, he didn’t, and his disruptions just became unwelcome. We didn’t play rules lawyer with him or debate things. We said stop, he didn’t, that was the end of it, and while I miss his insights the community is noticeably better without him.

          Most mods aren’t clueless. They know bigotry is occurring in their communities. Yet they too often just won’t be proactive about it because the behavior doesn’t overtly violate the rules. Don’t let bad actors weaponize your own rules against you!

          • @Natanael@slrpnk.net
            7 months ago

            Another thing is that some people are loud specifically to drown out other’s voices.

            That’s why true free speech can not be a free-for-all, you must put a dampener on those people and it doesn’t matter how closely they technically follow the rules if they do not follow the spirit and cause the quality and mood to degrade with their presence.

          • Nougat
            37 months ago

            I’ve always thought that people should be able to hotly debate ideas all they want, but as soon as they leave the ideas out and begin disparaging people, good-bye.

            • BolexForSoup
              7 months ago

              Sure but some communities simply don’t want to be debating all the time and some people refuse to accept that lol like my LGBT friends constantly talk about how exhausting it is. Sometimes they just want to talk about a tv show.

              They basically are tired of constantly justifying their existence, even if the questions are genuine/good faith.

              • Nougat
                87 months ago

                Absolutely. Not everyplace is an appropriate forum for every topic under the sun.

                • BolexForSoup
                  127 months ago

                  Yeah that’s kind of what I’m driving at. Some folks truly believe all debate must be allowed everywhere “as long as it’s nice.”

              • @onion@feddit.de
                17 months ago

                That’s great but the talk in this thread isn’t about some communities, the demand is that mastodon.world should defederate more.
                I find these opinions kind of antithetical to the whole fediverse idea, if you want a small gated community do your thing, but why should the biggest fediverse instance merrily defederate everything left and right

            • @MBM@lemmings.world
              67 months ago

              Some people are very good at saying the most despicable things in the nicest tone. It’s difficult

          • @KevonLooney
            17 months ago

            Most mods aren’t clueless. They know bigotry is occurring in their communities. Yet they too often just won’t be proactive about it because the behavior doesn’t overtly violate the rules. Don’t let bad actors weaponize your own rules against you!

            This is why general rules (instead of specific ones) are better. One good one I’ve seen is “Don’t fetishize violence”.

            So many people will say “guillotine” or “something should happen to them… in Minecraft” and think those comments don’t break rules.

            It’s fine to talk about violence that has happened or may happen, but when you fetishize it it becomes a problem.

            Different ideas:

            “A violent thing happened or may happen” - ok

            “A violent thing happened or may happen, wink wink” - not ok

            • BolexForSoup
              7 months ago

              I just think ultimately if you are on a community that I am operating, you are subject to my whims. It’s just a reality they have to accept. Call it power tripping, I don’t really care. I run the community the way I think it runs best, and if you don’t like it, you can make your own or go to another community. There are plenty of communities where people can call each other slurs and fight all day long. I don’t want it where I am.

              I do my best to make things consistent and clear, I want people to know what the rules are. But I never let them be used against me. If I say “hey y’all cool it,” and you say “bite me,” I’m banning you. I don’t have time for that crap and the community is better without it.

              • @KevonLooney
                17 months ago

                you are subject to my whims. It’s just a reality they have to accept. Call it power tripping, I don’t really care.

                I mean, that is “power tripping” and will drive posters and commenters away. Just because a poster is being dumb and unreasonable doesn’t mean you should be the same when you ban them.

                I think lurkers and “audience members” prefer consistency and interesting content. As a moderator, I think you should refrain from trying to steer the conversation, to keep it organic.

                I think mods should be like a gardener. You just prune around the edges and provide resources. What the plant (contributor base) grows should be natural. Don’t influence it too much or it will be boring.

                • BolexForSoup
                  7 months ago

                  I never said anything about steering the conversation. I’m talking about removing troublemakers. I would say that certainly counts as being a gardener.

                  Our discord is thriving and basically has no controversies ever. I would say it’s going just fine! Perhaps my community/Moderation style is not for you and I totally respect that. My communities are not for everybody. But I’m definitely not power tripping, it’s not like I enjoy kicking people out. I’m just not going to waste my time and I know my community is better for it, so the way is clear for me. If I take it too far people will leave, the community will fall apart, and I will learn my lesson.

        • @dustyData@lemmy.world
          197 months ago

          That’s one of the current weaknesses of the fediverse right now. Devs are working on more comprehensive moderation tools, but it’s all under development.

          • BolexForSoup
            7 months ago

            I think so many admins - many of which are the folks who would/could be helping improve the tools - are focused on keeping the car from breaking down that we won’t see any meaningful development of mod tools for quite some time unfortunately. Outside of mastodon, the fediverse just isn’t ready for prime time yet. Won’t stop me from using it though!

        • Antik 👾
          87 months ago

          I’ve recently been added to the mastodon.world mod team. The amount of spam that gets posted makes it much harder than Lemmy to weed out the bigots. But it’s improving. And like on Lemmy.World we request Mastodon.World users to keep reporting…

          • @galoisghost@aussie.zone
            17 months ago

            Hey, sorry missed this reply. That’s good, the key issue is the bigot instances that boost a post to their own instance and then there’s a pile on, on that instance. I don’t know if that’s visible to mods, but it’s certainly visible to the user who is being abused. StillIRise1963@mastodon.world cops A LOT of abuse.

    • @Jackthelad@lemmy.world
      137 months ago

      This is why, in the case of Mastodon, it’s best to join a smaller instance so it can be more easily moderated.

    • @Sunroc@lemmy.world
      57 months ago

      I’m surprised I haven’t seen blue sky at least hire one Trust & Safety professional to coordinate baseline standards for content.

    • @Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      There’s a fuck ton of cryptofash on mastodon, and you’ll get absolutely flooded with them if you say the wrong thing. Moderation is quick to snuff out those who overtly act hateful but is completely useless to those who mask their bigotry behind liberal politics.

  • @tswiftchair
    637 months ago

    Is there a way to see which instances a Mastodon instance has defederated with? For lemmy instances, for example, you can go to /instances to see a list of other connected and blocked instances.

    • @JohnnyEnzyme
      217 months ago

      you can go to /instances to see a list of other connected and blocked instances.

      I just did, and noticed a bunch of supposedly-federated mastodon instances, but in reality I’ve never seen them in my ‘all’ stream.

      Are they not supposed to show up there?

      • ram
        207 months ago

        Lemmy uses a feature called “groups” to denote the community a post is in. Mastodon doesn’t support groups yet. Once it does, I would think those posts may federate with Lemmy.

      • @blind3rdeye
        57 months ago

        My understanding is that the ‘all’ feed only shows posts that come from accounts followed by people on your instance. You can follow anyone from any federated instance; and when you do, their posts will appear in your personal feed, and also in the ‘all’ feed for everyone on your instance. People are aren’t followed by anyone on your instance won’t show up in the ‘all’ section.

        • @JohnnyEnzyme
          57 months ago

          I’ve believe I’ve seen something like that stated before, but we’re talking *zero* mastodon content showing up in ALL. Which happens to be the same instance as yours, btw, with Lemm.ee being the third largest instance in the Lemmysphere. You’d expect at least a little mastodon content showing up, but there’s just nothing.

          So far the two resources just don’t seem to be mixing, so perhaps what the other person was saying is correct. Right now in order to search mastodon, I’m using this tool.

          • comador
            7 months ago

            Thank you for sharing Fediverse Explorer, super useful!

      • ShittyKopper [they/them]
        7 months ago

        That list shows all instances that your instance is kinda sorta maybe aware of.

        For example, if I searched the profile link for someone or some group from a Masto instance and didn’t do anything with it, that instance would still get on that list because it asked the Lemmy instance about info on that profile/community.

        • @JohnnyEnzyme
          17 months ago

          Oof, pardon this tragically late reply.

          So… TBH I don’t quite understand what you’re saying.

          From my POV, I’m envisioning a way where Mastodon content could populate the ALL feed of Fediverse users, for example us lemmings. Do you reckon that’s possible?

          Note: I already know how to search mastodon content btw, via tools like this

    • @BlemboTheThird@lemmy.ca
      7 months ago

      On desktop there should be a small “about” link in the bottom left, from which there is a “moderated servers” dropdown menu where you can see defederated servers. I don’t see anywhere to view the servers you ARE federated with, but if it’s listed at Mastodon’s official website (whoops, I actually meant this)it’s probably in.

      I don’t see anything on the official Masto app, but that app is just missing a ton of functionality in general.

      • @ilinamorato@lemmy.world
        97 months ago

        the servers you ARE federated with

        iirc, that’s all down to what accounts your server’s users follow. If any users on server A follow users on server B, and neither A nor B block the other, then A is federated with B.

        • @BlemboTheThird@lemmy.ca
          67 months ago

          But how would a user on A find anyone on B before federation? I know Lemmy can initiate federation through the search function just in case you’re the first to look for something on another instance, but I don’t see how that would work on Masto.

          • @russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net
            77 months ago

            It’s done through a similar mechanism, you can paste the URL of a user on a different Mastodon search which triggers the same style of search as it does on Lemmy. Mastodon has relays (an admin needs to add/subscribe to one, and the relay has to confirm/accept) however which can also help “kickstart” Federation so to speak as well - which is like blasting a firehose at an instance.

            • @ilinamorato@lemmy.world
              57 months ago

              In addition, I believe that there might be a “viral” component to federation; if users on server A follow users on server B, and users on server B follow users on server C, then server C’s popular posts can show up on server A’s explore page. Is that correct?

              • @russjr08@outpost.zeuslink.net
                37 months ago

                If someone on server B were to boost that posts from server C, then yes they’d show up on server A as far as I know - but only if they’re boosted. The federation aspect works a lot like Lemmy’s, so while my instance my federates with lemmy.world (and vice versa), my instance doesn’t know about the communities on LW unless someone on my instance subscribes to that community in particular (and vice-versa for a community on my instance not showing up on LW until someone over there subscribes). At least, that’s how I understand it - to be honest I still don’t have my head completely wrapped around Mastodon’s federation aspect but since both Mastodon and Lemmy use ActivityPub I’d reckon that they’re very similar.

        • TWeaK
          27 months ago

          That’s exactly the same as lemmy.

  • Lurkerino [comrade/them]
    287 months ago

    Is mastodon good? I use lemmy but as I never used twitter I also never use mastodon so idk if im losing something. I never understood the appeal of twitter.

    • @Aku
      207 months ago

      Just commenting to say I feel the exact same way. I am curious if mastodon is something worth getting into?

      • @transientDCer@lemdro.id
        247 months ago

        I think reddit/lemmy are good if you enjoy following communities. Twitter/mastodon are good if you prefer following specific people.

      • Wugmeister
        87 months ago

        It looks like Twitter, feels like Tumblr. Since its not very big, people will post the most raw, vulnerable moments in their life, both good and bad. My feed ping pongs between people learning to use Godot to make their first game ever and proudly sharing their work, to a anarchist TTRPG dev struggling with medical bills in the USian Healthcare hellscape. I love it. I am not looking forward to whenever it blows up in popularity.

        • kristina [she/her]
          37 months ago

          i feel like it may never. i think lemmy has the highest probability of getting ‘big’ due to its community centered aspect.

    • Wugmeister
      147 months ago

      I would describe it as “what if Tumblr decided to have the layout of Twitter?” The interface looks and feels like Twitter, but since there’s no algorithm people will post the most raw shit. My feed is one part guinea pig videos, one part OSR Dnd memes, one part people learning to code and sharing their early janky work with pride, and one part entirely from one queer anarchist TTRPG dev struggling with medical bills and the fucked USian Healthcare system.

      The most trouble you’ll have is deciding which instance to settle down in. Self-hosting is really not reasonable for Mastodon, since the local feed is pretty important.

  • @Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
    157 months ago

    Masto doesn’t have outright nazis they just have neoliberal fascists, and let me tell you, it has a LOT of them.

  • @mtchristo
    147 months ago

    Mastodon is a very feels good sanitized version of what is going on in the world right now.

      • @figaro@lemdro.id
        177 months ago

        It basically depends who you follow. If you are following toxic people, that is your own fault with mastodon. On Twitter, the algorithm pushes it to you no matter what.

        • @vynlwombat@lemmy.world
          -27 months ago

          I have only followed a few people and they are from the suggested list. I picked Rochki, it’s FOSS, ars technica, and nixCraft. I just went to the search tab in Mastodon and the first two messages are about blocking people and nazis. Not sure how that’s my fault.

  • SirStumps
    127 months ago

    I am still in the beginning of using Mastodon. How does it detect Nazi like speech and what does it consider Nazi like speech?

    • @variaatio@sopuli.xyz
      7 months ago

      Since I is decentralized, it is upto the intances. There is no central authority to eject an instance. Rather other instances individually block the instances they find objectionable to their own criterion.

      At basic its that. Inpractice moderation federations and coalitions etc. have formed among instances of “we maintain joint blocking list and any of us can suggest new additions to it”.

      Due to this one can get ejected from rather sizeable swath, if one one the moderation federations puts one on block list and that is pretty much as far as an “you have 24 hours or we boot you”. You get booted from all the instances part of that federation/coalition.

      Plus stuff like just sources/authors trusted by various instances. “If this guy puts an instance on their published black list, we block. So far that guy has done good job with his list”. Ofcourse instance can at any point decide to not trust that list author anymore.

      So there is no one “how mastodon does it”. Infact this is the one area where “on what instance are you” matters. Since how your home instance decides to do moderation and blocking, that is how your blocking happens. Plus ones personal additions on top.

      Mastodon has a moderation action feature, where one can see listing of what instances and user have been blocked or other moderation action taken. There is explanation field there also for moderator to say “why” but obviously that is upto instance on what their policy is on how exacting their moderation documentation policy is.

    • @OsrsNeedsF2P@lemmy.ml
      47 months ago

      It’s pretty easy. Nazis have a hard time sticking to real facts, and in the test of time, can’t resist reposting blatantly false information in progressively more and more JPGified memes.

      • SirStumps
        37 months ago

        I appreciate the effort but I was leaning towards technologies and methods.

        • @OsrsNeedsF2P@lemmy.ml
          17 months ago

          Step 1. Find a Nazi

          Step 2. Report the Nazi

          Step 3. If Nazi content is not remove, make a fediverse announcement and coordinate defederization

      • @Slow@lemmy.today
        17 months ago

        Unfortunately, none of the Mastodon applications have a separate button for private messages. Formally, the “Direct messages” button is available in several applications. However, this is a standard input field for all messages where you need to mark with a special icon that you want to send a personal message that only the recipient can view. This is inconvenient and during intensive correspondence you may forget to mark “Only for the addressee” when sending the next message.

        I want a simpler and clearer interface like in the Jerboa or Infinity for Reddit applications. However, no one is engaged in such development. All Mastodon applications are similar to one another to one degree or another.

  • Jake Farm
    97 months ago

    I dont particularly care for the format. I never liked using Twitter(xitter).

  • JokeDeity
    67 months ago

    I miss when Nazis weren’t loud and proud.