You are 𐐘.

  • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
    5110 months ago
  • @skomposzczet
    1210 months ago

    Amogus was a meme I thought one of the quickest that got boring.

    Still hella funny to me.

      410 months ago

      Didn’t get what “exmo” meant at first and the rest of your comment made me think you must mean amogus.

      I get it now, but makes me wonder whether it’s really a coincidence that this character exists in their script.

      610 months ago

      First I thought it was a side view of an elephant (looking to the right), then I thought it was a rear view of an elephant (swinging their tail) then, finally, I was able to leave the elephant idea behind and saw the amogus.

        210 months ago

        Thanks. This also explains “sus” which I was wrongly assuming was some memetic borrowing of the French.

      310 months ago

      One thing I enjoy is the Pride Month parade in Salt Lake City.

      I would love to see them parade in front of Tabernacle however.

      And as much as I enjoy rainbows why doesnt everyone in the pride parade just dress like Mormons instead?

      That way when Mormons walk out of the church people at the pride parade can mix up Mormons with gays.

      “I’m sorry I thought you were in the parade you look so much alike!” :)