Bubba Copeland shot himself in front of police on Friday, days after he begged 1819 News not to expose his private life.

  • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    You’re just stating platitudes without any political theory behind it. Moralism.

    I’m trans, but I also recognize that the empire uses people like me as totems to promote the empire and oppress people around the world. This, in turn, makes people around the world hate people like me. There are material reasons behind these beliefs, they aren’t just naughty baddies with bad ideas.

    Also you’re right, settlers are not an ethnicity and that’s why I don’t care when they are targeted. It’s why I refuse to condemn Hamas. Settlers should stop stealing land and resources and wealth if they don’t want to be violently opposed.

    • te_st_user
      11 months ago

      Why are you okay with a call to ethnic genocide when it’s done by an anti-LGBT dictator? He doesn’t say “Kill the settler,” as meaningless as “Leftists” have made the word. He says “Kill the Boer.”

      Do you believe babies have committed a sin and should be lumped in with the rest of the ethnicity? Your thirst for blood is indistinguishable from other fascists

      • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        Boers are white settlers, and they will be settlers until they pay reparations or otherwise stop being beneficiaries of thier settler heritage. That’s literally where they all come from, you can’t avoid that. I don’t necessarily endorse calls to kill all settlers but I don’t condemn it either. The same goes for crackers in America btw - settlers need to pay up.

        As for babies and children, it’s the settlers that are forcing them into this world as settlers. They are innocent and if anyone deserves blame it’s the parents for making them complicit. They don’t deserve to die, but that’s why white settlers should either pay reparations so they can cease to be settlers or get the fuck out and take their children with them.

        • te_st_user
          11 months ago

          What country are you a settler in, and how deep in debt are you to the people you settled

          Because this is batshit insane

          • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
            11 months ago

            The US, and it’s complicated because on both sides of my family tree there are native women that were raped by settlers. I have white skin (11 months of the year) and have no connection to any tribes so I’d consider myself a settler, but the debt doesn’t come from the crimes of long-dead settlers that came here to steal the land and rape women and kidnap children. I’m not to blame for the sins of my forefathers.

            My debt comes from the privileges I’ve experienced my entire life from my light skin and my ability to stealthily conform to white hegemony and from the generational wealth I benefited from throughout my life and from participating in this neocolonial system.

            Generational wealth is real. White privilege is real. If you’re a settler and you want to be a leftist, you have to grapple with this shit.

            • te_st_user
              11 months ago

              So you’re not one of the white people that think indigenous people would be in the moral right to go around killing you, right? Because a lot of leftists have adopted that absolute batshit position for some reason, which is frankly both kind of racist, and also ignores what indigenous people want…

              • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
                11 months ago

                I’m not a moralist, so it really depends on the context of why white people are being killed.

                Is this random and undirected violence against whitey? Then no, I don’t support that, because it’s not productive or constructive.

                Is this strategic violence that’s aimed at achieving political aims? Is this being directed by a revolutionary party? Well. That’s different.

                • te_st_user
                  11 months ago

                  The best context I can give you without memory or without sources is that it is all Twitter leftism, the best kind of leftism. I don’t expect you to take a particular side in something I’m just relaying to you, I just wanted to make sure you weren’t one of those types.

                  • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
                    11 months ago

                    Twitter X.com isn’t real life. People tend to take extreme positions because that’s what creates engagement and because they can only express themselves through text (and because it’s fun.)

                    Like, I’ll vibe with Tweets Xits about “unlimited genocide on the first world!” but I don’t take that shit seriously. Until they actually do anything I don’t believe a word of it.