Greetings Redditors,

I stand before you, router in hand, on a quest to elevate my WRT32X into a networking deity. The mission? To implement the sacred rites of OpenWRT or DD-WRT, imbuing my ancient router with powers of VPN wizardry and WiFi transcendence.

For my movie collector, a VPN sanctuary is essential. I seek brethren who’ve ventured into the depths of encryption tunnels and conquered the VPN configuration maze. Help me shield my movie trove from prying eyes, ensuring each byte traverses the web incognito.

But wait, there’s more! My WiFi hungers for more bandwidth, lower latency, and a connection speed that mocks the laws of physics. Enter, ye technical maestros, who’ve fine-tuned the frequencies and maximized throughput. Share your incantations and scripts that will turn my WiFi into a symphony of data efficiency.

Unite, fellow code sorcerers, as we hack our way to networking nirvana. Share your spells, snippets, and wisdom to breathe new life into this WRT32X.

May your packets be optimized, and your latency nonexistent! 💻🌐🔐 #RouterRiddles #VPNVeterans #WiFiWizardsUnite

  • bchiodini@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It may be easier to find a sorcerer that can turn the leaden WRT32X into enough gold to buy a pfSense firewall, an ethernet switch and a WiFi6e Access Point.

    While the WRT32X does look like a capable xxWRT contender, the networking gods will raise the drawbridge on low latency and high throughput while your packets venture into the dark magical VPN world.