I have to admit, I totally overwhelmed by the choices. I’m open to other brands, but I’m focusing on Deco because of the add-on outdoor unit that I may need to get wifi to my garage (~40-50 feet from the house). I am looking at 3-packs and there are so many models I don’t know where to start.

I don’t need the latest and greatest - my home internet is 300 mbps which is more than enough (I currently get around 70-100 mbps whenever I do a speed check, and that’s fine). However I’d like this to last for awhile (say 5 years?) and I guess the speed I get from the ISP is likely to increase in that time.

House is about 3000 square feet (larger downstairs than up). I currently have an old Orbi Wifi 5 system and have the router and a satellite downstairs, and another satellite upstairs. 3 may be overkill, but that layout works well and there’s a chance we’d move to a bigger house within a couple years, so I’m looking to duplicate that. As I mentioned, hopefully stretch to the garage, but if not, I can add the outdoor satellite.

Flexible on price (but definitely don’t want to spend $700 on one of the latest sets). Ballpark I had in mind was $250-300 for the 3-pack + the outdoor one. Outdoor is $120 everywhere so that puts me around $130-180 for the 3-pack. But I could be convinced to spend more (or less) if it makes sense for what I’m getting given my house.

What do you recommend?