I have a balcony on raised ground floor with lots of trees hiding the sun. In the summer I get a few hours of direct sunlight, not enough to get anything flowering. I attempted growing tomatoes, and ended up with the tallest, most useless plant ever. Strawberries were also mostly leaves. There is a planter integrated on the balcony design though, which is nice.
Is there anything with fun leaves I could grow ? Preferably low maintenance and resistant to low temperatures. (not necessarely frost resistant, though better)

Edit: I also generally can’t keep stuff that flowers, hence my request.

  • jws_shadotak@sh.itjust.works
    7 months ago

    Water it less, maybe?

    All I know about plants is second hand from my wife but I know too much water enables mold to grow in the pot

    • just_chill@jlai.luOP
      7 months ago

      So many bad decisions were made with the aromatic plants, from the spot they were in, to the soil, the pot… it was doomed to fail.
      If I remember correctly, I had three different ones, one dried, one developped mould (spider nest level of mould around the stems of the plants) and one root rot . keep in mind they were next to each other and watered the same. I still don’t know how I managed that.
      You could have made a textbook example of that, just don’t tell people it’s based on real life, they wouldn’t believe you.