• Engywuck
      6 months ago
        • Engywuck
          -26 months ago

          No, the links about Mozilla show how corrupt their directives are. Peole are so eager to scrutiny competing browsers/company and their forgive every shit Mozilla or their board do.

          By the way, who cares about Brave’s CEO? I don’t agree with his political views, but for me their browser it’s the best out there at the moment and the company itself isn’t politically active at all.

          Did you ask any other Mozilla employee what their political views are, by the way? How can you be sure that all of them are “good persons”? Do you buy your stuff on Amazon, by any chance, knowing how evil thy are? Are you sure that your grocery store’s owner/your mechanic/your doctor/etc. isn’t an homophobe or a bad person? Please, be coherent and go and ask all the people you make deals with what their political views are.

            • Engywuck
              16 months ago

              I’m not upset. I may have been unclear. I just find funny that people in the (F)OSS/Linux community (which I’m clearly part of) are very prone to scrutinize Brave and other companies, while they pretend not to see what’s going on at Mozilla, which seems to always get a free pass.

            • Engywuck
              -26 months ago

              I used to like Firefox (been using is since 2002ish…). But after a lot feature removals and, last but not least, the ugly UI redesign (despite the negative feedback in the nightly/beta phase) I just jumped ship. I’m not going to waste my time fixing it with CSSs, unfucking what Mozilla did wrong. Anyway, Brave is just faster, it performs better and has a no-shit UI.

              This, plus the disappointment I’ve had with Mozilla, gives me exactly 0 reason to go back.

      • firecat
        16 months ago

        Dont use Brive, Google Chrome or Firefox. Just buy a $2000 Apple MacBook and use Safari.

        • Engywuck
          16 months ago

          “Yeah, shut up and take my money” /s

          Seriously, I had to use MacOS for a few months, a few years ago, and I fount the UX… poor? Apart from that, I woulnd’t buy something Apple regardlessly. Too restrictive.

      • Vincent
        6 months ago

        Sorry, just because the board gets high salaries, you’re using a different browser? Odds are that that other browser has either a board that earns more, or at least strengthens the dominance of a browser engine whose board earns more. And that’s not even discussing how those other boards have incentives contrary to users’ interests (either monopolising the web, or hamstringing it to push people towards apps), instead of the only browser maker that has no shareholders.

        Not using the web at all would be consistent, but using a non-Mozilla-supported (I count Librewolf) browser is the worst idea, and so is wishing Mozilla harm before the other browser makers.

        • Engywuck
          16 months ago

          Sorry, just because the board gets high salaries, you’re using a different browser?

          No, i switched browser because of little, incremental changes for the worse. The last straw has been the retarded UI redesign.

          Using a non-Mozilla-supported (I count Librewolf) browser is the worst idea, and so is wishing Mozilla harm before the other browser makers

          I don’t care. I’ll keep using Brave and yes, Mozilla deserves to disappear.

          Don’t bother replying. I’m not going to debate any further.

          • Vincent
            6 months ago

            Ah right, so the salary was a straw man and you don’t actually care about sainthood. Fair enough, but here’s a callout to people who do care about a free and open society: support Firefox. When it comes to the open web, it’s the best shot we’ve got.

        • Engywuck
          -46 months ago

          Mozilla itself has provento be nothing but a cash grab, at this point. And people keep falling for it (less and less people over time, fortunately).

  • @sturlabragason@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    It seems the main takeaway from these discussions is that we are all fucked because a decent open source non evil independent browser doesn’t exist?

    In the age where a browser is about the only thing you need.


    Somebody needs to pull a Linus Torvalds here.