Muna Alkurd (18) is forced to share half of her house with Israeli settlers. Nayef Abassi (26) can’t get a building permit for his house and his animals’ barn has been demolished. The pressure of the occupation is very present for both young Palestinians. Yet they feel at home in East Jerusalem and they are trying to build a future for themselves in the city where they were born.

Muna’s dream is to become a journalist to tell her story to the world. Nayef just wants to take care of his wife and kids. He makes money by transporting construction materials with his donkeys. They have similar ambitions as their peers elsewhere in the world, but when all policies are aimed at getting you out of the city, building a future in East Jerusalem becomes an act of resistance.

Omar Abdelqader’s (25) story is quite different. He’s an Palestinian Arab with Israeli citizenship, which allows him to live anywhere in Israel. He is tired of the occupation and is about to leave East Jerusalem for Jaffa, where perspectives look better for him.

Home paints three intimate portraits of young Palestinians living under occupation.

Winner of the ‘Emerging Director Award’ at the 2018 Al Ard Film Festival