Republicans slam broadband discounts for poor people, threaten to kill program::Thune, Cruz complain that $30 discounts go to people who “already had broadband.”

  • PoliticalAgitator
    10 months ago

    they can give millions in subsidies direct to corporations

    That’s exactly why they’re fighting it – every dollar they give to poor people is a dollar less they can give to rich people.

      10 months ago

      That’s what they think, or at least that’s what they want you to think. Every study has shown that every dollar you give to anyone below the 40th percentile returns more than a dollar to the economy. The lower on the totem pole, the more it grows the economy. The opposite is also true. For every dollar you give the top 10 percent, 70 cents or less goes back into the economy.

      The more they give the poor, the richer they would get, but the money isn’t the point. Cruelty is. They want to cause as much harm as they can get away with before we whip out the trebuchets and guillotines.

          9 months ago

          They’d keep the control if they gave the poor the resources they need. That doesn’t upset the balance of power, it just grows the economy to the size it needs to be for everyone to thrive. Control is already secured. Cruelty is the point.

      • PoliticalAgitator
        9 months ago

        While I’m sure cruelty is the point for many politicians and their voters, those politicians serve entirely at the neoliberals discretion, on the condition their abuse never gets in the way of profits.

        On the right, that means pandering to fascists, fundamentalists, reactionaries and idiots.

        They’re free to inflict whatever abuse they want on the public on the condition it never gets in the way of the insatiable greed and entitlement of the 1%. The moment it does, they’ll be out on their ass.

        Unfortunately, this is also true on the left. But rather than abusers, they pander to progressives.

        Progressives can talk all the environmentalism and social reforms they want, but they do so on the condition that it never makes any significant difference on the profits of the wealthy.

        So they’re allowed to do things like “use tax dollars to pay off the insurance companies”, but they’re not permitted to introduce legislation that would completely undermine an extremely predatory industry.

        The moment someone has the power to do anything more than talk about it, you quickly find this neoliberalism has incredible unity. Media companies, politicians, industry groups and pundits from both sides will all hold hands as they stomp the threat into the dirt.

        Best of all, they don’t need any grand conspiracy to do so. They communicate entirely with economic dogwhistles.

        They’re fully aware that things like deregulation and trickle down never work – they count on it to get rich. But the moment anyone in a position of power speaks out against those ideas, they know it’s their signal to throw everything they can at stopping them.