They basically yell this as the theme in your face during the crossover episode with lower decks.

I think it works fantastically as what we wish the world was like. And that’s what Star Trek needs to be. It’s hopeful. I was fucking sobbing on episode 2. Not because of beautiful writing or whatever, though it is VERY GOOD, just that someone addressing the fucking issues in a way that maybe there’s some hope to it.

The writers of this one really are trying to be hopeful during a really fucking terrible time and I think that is awesome.

I keep using the word “hope”. That’s the only one for it. It’s not positive. It’s not even optimistic. It’s hopeful. And that is enough to make me cry.

Edit: m’benga killed a fucking war criminal, in damn close to cold blood (a circumstance m’benga coerced in fact), and it was was played as good. It’s good fucking TV

  • ProfessorAdonisCnut [he/him]
    9 months ago

    It’s particularly frustrating because the critical examination of the Federation as utopia idea has already been done well. DS9 managed to wrangle with the material and political underpinnings of that (and from a lot of different angles) in a way that not only doesn’t abandon optimism and aspiration, it makes them more tangible.