The Seattle Children’s Hospital filed a lawsuit in Travis County District Court on Dec. 7 against the Texas Office of the Attorney General (OAG), after that agency requested documents related to gender transition policies and any such care provided to Texas children.

    9 months ago

    What if someone operates a drone, flies the drone from NJ to NY and has the drone shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue? That’s a lot closer to what Texas is reaching for with this - they think this hospital in WA is doing things illegal in TX via telemedicine. Hence asking for things like patients at this WA hospital who did their labs in TX.

    • KevonLooney
      9 months ago

      I’m not a legal expert but aren’t electronic crimes like that federal (especially because they cross state lines)? In that case, the conspiracy to commit murder happens in NJ and the actual crime happens in NY. Pretty simple.

      Texas seems like they’re trying to create “conspiracy to commit abortion” as a crime. But that makes no sense because the actual act is not a crime in WA. People intentionally going to WA are conspiring to not commit a crime. They are intentionally going to a location where it’s legal.

      It’s like giving someone a ticket for waiting at a red light. They’re conspiring to cross the intersection! Sneakily waiting until it’s legal to do!