A Washington Post investigation found no proof of a Hamas command center under al-Shifa Hospital following Israel’s attack on the medical complex.

  • PhlubbaDubba
    9 months ago


    Israeli Arabs apparently have their own internal debate about whether they should consider themselves Palestinian or generally Shami or something else entirely.

    Something about a serious identity break with the Fatah and Hamas over how authoritarian they are even during “peace” time. Because seriously, Hamas only came to power because of how much Gazans started to hate the Fatah, only to become just as horrible in their own islamofascist way.

    They ain’t Nat Turner or Indigenous American Raiders against settlers or the North Vietnamese army, they’re both the fucking Khmer Rouge, just with good enough funding to just “disappear” people instead of beating people to death in killing fields.

    This problem is just gonna keep compounding until someone goes in and cleans out both of them and the Israeli state apparatus on top of them to replace the whole disaster scene with a city state based confederation with some HEAVY international control over the policing so that the locals will get the proper amount of their shit rocked whenever anyone gets up to any supremacist bullshit.