Furthermore, I believe this cartoon is an adaptation of a Russian story/cartoon from 1948 called Little Grey Neck. It doesn’t take place in a city, but the premise is very similar, where a young duck misses its migration and has to befriend the other winter animals to survive.
Found it! New Friends 1981
After a few attempts, the successful Google string was:
“howard” “duck” “frog” -comic “new york”
Edit: By few, I mean my whole morning. Fun puzzle 😉
Edit 2: My work here is done. https://youtu.be/06kfHOvZdbs
Edit 3: Donate the money to charity, or use it to buy gifts for kids for the holidays!
Ill absolutely donate to charity for your work. I’ll even probably update this post at some point to show it.
Thanks!! About to see my sister’s at Christmas, we grew up on this movie, and they both have kids and we’ve been trying to figure it out for YEARS.
Haha, NP, glad I was able to rekindle a fun Christmas memory for you guys. Have fun! And tell them you found it on Lemmy. Get’em on the Fediverse 😉
Fuck this thread is wholesome. I would only encounter stuff like this like once in a blue moon on Reddit.
Furthermore, I believe this cartoon is an adaptation of a Russian story/cartoon from 1948 called Little Grey Neck. It doesn’t take place in a city, but the premise is very similar, where a young duck misses its migration and has to befriend the other winter animals to survive.
That clip was really short and sweet.
Really enjoyed the hand painted water color animation.
Would also a perfect cross post for Deep into YouTube.
No maaaames