• f(loat || loathe)@burggit.moe
    1 year ago

    What the fuckity fuck fuck??? What kind of retardation is this? 😐😐😐😐😐 Duude…

    How you gonna do like, development, on a platform that hides all you need to develop? Idk. Magic I guess. Shit. Anyway.

    • Burger@burggit.moeOP
      1 year ago

      Don’t worry. Microsoft apologists will bitch and complain about it, but still continue to use it because it’s inconvenient learning a different OS that isn’t wrapped in bubblewrap. Or muh softwareeee.

      I just virtualize Win10 LTSC on Debian nowadays in the exceedingly rare cases that I need to use Windows specific software.

      • f(loat || loathe)@burggit.moe
        1 year ago

        I use windows everyday because I like playing overwatch. A lot. And drg. And also my laptop has some hardware that is incompatible with the Nvidia drivers that are shipped for a all the Linux distros I tried. Which means I can’t dual monitor. Which sucks. I also utterly fucked the grub and no one helped me so after 3 weeks of endless agony I decided to just play overwatch in peace and pretend everything is alright. 😊 *inner screaming echoes*

        • Burger@burggit.moeOP
          1 year ago

          After my adventures with getting Linux to play nice with Nvidia hardware, I just opt to say to not bother with Nvidia when it comes to Linux. They’re downright hostile towards free software and having a kernel update drop you into a TTY prompt because their build scripts are incompatible with the newer version for whatever reason is just inexcusable. I can navigate my way around in a pure CLI environment and fix it, but a lot of newbies cannot.

          • f(loat || loathe)@burggit.moe
            1 year ago

            I would say the same thing but it’s very hard to do gaming with the games I like without Nvidia :( If I have free time, I spend a lot of time gaming, be it by myself or with my friends. I look at my start menu and there’s so many games I couldn’t play on Linux.

            I just virtualize Win10 LTSC on Debian nowadays in the exceedingly rare cases that I need to use Windows specific software.

            I use WSL2, a shitty integrted linux virtual machine for windows. Much better than a normal VM, but much worse than raw Linux. But much better than Windows for development in general. Especially since I know a lot more bash than powershell.

      • mcuglys@burggit.moe
        1 year ago

        I’m a hostage of DirectX… sad that Vulkan never really took off. And, WINE still isnt really adequate for me to just sit down and use.

        • Burger@burggit.moeOP
          1 year ago

          Yeah. I won’t mock anyone who genuinely uses it or is chained to it who have unique usecases that cannot be provided or difficult to provide on Linux. Thankfully I don’t need to play vidya so I don’t need to go through the hell that is passthrough since libvirt/virt-manager are junk. WINE is even more of a crapshoot if you just want to use it with plain jane windows applications, so it’s not really worth using for my rare usecases.

          That being said, it’ll be a cold day in hell when I have Windows touching bare metal.

        • Disa@burggit.moeM
          1 year ago

          When was the last time you tried? If this is genuinely the thing that’s stopping you. The only thing I have ever had problems running under Proton were due to Anti-cheat and not much else, though to be fair, I don’t play many games anymore. I also do understand that some people do have to use windows, or just want/prefer to. In the end you should use whatever works for you. Only reason I’m mentioning this is on the off chance the only thing stopping you is DirectX. Valve’s Proton (built-into steam) makes most things just a playable experience out of the box. At least from my experience.