I’m going to start this article off by saying that you don’t have to be born in the boomer generation to be a boomer. You can be a boomer by acting like one. Hate new stuff? boomer. Run a desktop from the naughties? Boomer.

  • Hellmo_luciferrari
    9 months ago

    Read through the article. Well… words were said sure. Were they well written words? I’d argue not. I get the sentiment, use what works for you. This article isn’t informative, it just calls the reader a fuckface among a slurry of other lame insults. If it was supposed to be funny, the humor isn’t my brand.

    I like using arch, and I like using and testing out what’s new.

    Stable doesn’t mean old, and it doesn’t mean better or worse. Stable is stating that it has been tested, arguably thoroughly tested.

    This article did nothing but waste the readers time. Nothing was gained from this.

    I think a boomer wrote the article.