The Chief’s federal judiciary’s year-end report may as well have been generated by ChatGPT.

For Chief Justice Roberts, the Year-End Report on the Federal Judiciary is no longer a serious assessment of the state of the federal courts as much as it’s a taxpayer-funded blog post for him to express his disdain for the American people.

You might suspect that the design of an annual report of the federal judiciary would involve providing the American people with some sense that the Chief Justice of the United States grasps the issues facing the courts and, ideally, has some sort of plan for addressing them. After all, that’s the whole point of any annual report: to provide stakeholders with a sense of the successes and challenges facing an entity. It’s why a corporate 10-K can’t just decline to mention that the CEO is now wanted by Interpol.

While the federal judiciary in 2023 found itself beset by ethical scandals from top to bottom, jurists abandoning any sense of professionalism and decorum, a forum shopping crisis spawned by the lack of reform to the nationwide injunction procedure, and a criminal defendant openly attacking the judicial process and inspiring violent threats against federal judges, John Roberts addressed… none of these.

      9 months ago

      I’m reasonably confident that karma is in history books after he dies. Until then, he’s likely Chief Justice over a court packed with people agreeing with him.

      Especially if this next election goes a certain way.

      9 months ago

      If by “karma” you mean continuing to be relatively popular (because he’s not really in the news), being able to enrich himself with impunity and continuing to have one of the biggest life-long power trips possible, then sure. He’s going to go down in history as a momentous judge without huge controversies simply because his shit isn’t the rankest in his court. He’ll mostly be a footnote during this period.

        9 months ago

        The public is more aware than ever of judicial corruption. He’ll be remembered the same as the rest of the exploiting class, of today and the robber barons a hundred years ago. The Roberts court will be synonymous with constitutional failure, proof of the failure of common law to self regulate