I noticed that some kinds of posts are deemphasized in the large view: text posts are just the header and links show a “compact” view with only a small image on the left. That leads to these posts basically disappearing between posts with images which are huge in comparison.

I think it’d help to blow up the link preview for link posts and add a few lines of the description from text posts to make them stand out more by comparison. It’s currently quite easy to just glance over them.

  • evgizM
    1 year ago

    Added large thumbnails for link posts in the latest build!

    Text posts will have to wait a bit since I wanna do proper customization too (how many lines of text to show etc.)

  • evgizM
    1 year ago

    Yeah a few post types always use compact view atm. Large thumbnail previews and body previews for text posts are on my list, but not sure how to deal with “title only” posts.

    I’m thinking a large rounded website thumbnail with the link overlaid on the bottom that opens the website on tap!