I find that i can spot AI Images fairly easily these days, especially the sort of fantastical tableaus that get posted to the various AI communities around lemmy. I’m tired of seeing them; it all looks the same to me. Was wondering if im being too sensitive, or if other people are similarly bored of the constant unimaginative AI spam…

For the record, I block any explicit AI Art communities that pop up in the feed, but there are more every day…

  • Exocrinous
    8 months ago

    So… is an algorithm even capable of producing art?

    An algorithm is capable of producing art, but I don’t think what’s being shown around now is art.

    For a very literal example of an algorithm producing art: I downloaded a program that turns mp4 files into mkv files and embeds subtitles. I can download Citizen_Kane.mp4 and reconstruct art

    Less literally and more intentionally, I’d point at the entire medium that is video games. The art doesn’t exist until the player presses run. The programmer writes an algorithm that makes art. Some games use mechanics as art in creative ways, and there is no way such artistic pieces could exist without algorithms.

    And some algorithms are art in and of themselves, such as Conway’s Game of Life. The game of life turns a static set of squares, carefully assembled by an artist, into a moving and essentially living canvas.