• CoderKat
    1 year ago

    Closely related is someone who’s just a bit to the point with their responses. I don’t mean the “I’m just saying” people; those people are assholes. I mean stuff like when someone skips the pleasantries and dives right into their question or comment. Instead of saying “hi”, they’ll dive right into saying “I have an issue with X”. Or when they see something wrong when reviewing your work, they’ll just outright say “this isn’t right” without trying to sugarcoat it.

    Personally, I like when people do that, particularly from people I know have good intentions. I don’t want to waste time doing some “hi, how are you / I’m good, yourself?” sort of handshake when someone has a question for me. And reviews are a constant, daily thing in my job (software dev), so I don’t want time wasting flowery language in review comments, nor do I want to waste time typing such up myself.