• Kaboom@reddthat.com
    5 months ago

    How is opening up a mens domestic violence shelter affecting women, aside from like an extra half of a cent on their taxes?

    • Exocrinous
      5 months ago

      That’s not what we’re discussing. We’re discussing the meta issue of whether we should even discuss men’s issues in this particular way.

      • Kaboom@reddthat.com
        5 months ago

        Right, sorry, got a bit off topic.

        (Full disclosure, I am a cis straight white man)

        Basically, it’s a matter of lensing, of perception, of how to think to think about a problem, right?

        In my opinion, viewing it through a feminist lens does nothing but detract from the problem. Everyone should be treated equally, and should strive for that. Everyone should stand up for themselves, make their problems known, fix them to the best of their ability, and try to get what help they need, in a focused manner. Feminists did this. MLK did this. Pride is doing this. Pretty much every successful civil rights movement did this.

        MRAs are doing the exact same thing. It’s not a problem that they are focused on men, that’s a good thing. Feminists focused on women. MLK focused on racial minorities. Pride is focused on lgbtq+ folk.

        Do you remember Occupy Wall Street, how unfocused that was? It failed horribly.

        When you focus on men’s issues from a feminist point of view, you’re not focusing on the problem. You’re focusing on a feminist interpretation of a problem, and feminists don’t care. Or in this case, work to shut down the solution.

        • Exocrinous
          5 months ago

          A lot of people say feminism is supposed to be for everyone. But as a nonbinary person and not a feminine person, I take issue with that framing of the conversation. So I hear your grievances. Liberation for women doesn’t necessarily mean liberation for me. I can see why you don’t want women to lead your issues.

          However, there is no reason we shouldn’t listen to the science and research done by feminists. If we form a new movement without listening to the wisdom of the past, we might fall victim to obvious mistakes. I believe that’s what happened to the members of the incel movement who’ve been brainwashed by people like Tate. They refused to listen to the wisdom women had accumulated, and fell for the first bad actor who wasn’t a woman.

          We should be responsible in what we can gain and what others can maintain when we keep communication lines open. Nothing has to be lost when we listen.

          • Kaboom@reddthat.com
            5 months ago

            there is no reason we shouldn’t listen to the science and research done by feminists

            There is a massive replication crisis right now. I’m not sure that science and research is accurate.

            If we form a new movement without listening to the wisdom of the past, we might fall victim to obvious mistakes.

            True, but at the same time, we can’t let the bad parts in. Specifically the bits about men not having valid problems.