I’ve been using this search engine and I have to say I’m absolutely in love with it.

Search results are great, Google level even. Can’t tell you how happy I am after trying multiple privacy oriented engines and always feeling underwhelmed with them.

Have you tried it? What are your thoughts on it?

  • LWD
    7 months ago

    You’re right. We aren’t getting anywhere. I’m trying to explain how 2 + 2 = 4, but you keep insisting it’s zero.

    Kagi Dot AI, with a past, present and future in AI, is the first part of the equation.

    Private data consumption and regurgitation, which Kagi is allegedly not injecting into its AI right now, is the other part.

    Look at them side by side and you see what the company wants to do, clear as day. But for some reason, you repeatedly insist there’s nothing there.

    Like, even if we assume that what’s written in the manifesto comes to life, if the data is collected by the company and only, exclusively, used to customize the AI in the way I want

    To be clear, you want a venture capital corporation to keep you in your filter bubble regarding your political beliefs, your corporate brand choices, your political beliefs, your philosophical beliefs, etc?

    The dystopia is already here for you.

    And even if you feel comfortable feeding all this private data into a soulless corporation, and you’re not worried about data breaches, why would you evangelize that kind of product on a privacy forum?

    • sudneo@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      To be clear, you want a venture capital corporation to keep you in your filter bubble regarding your political beliefs, your corporate brand choices, your political beliefs, your philosophical beliefs, etc?

      Thankfully, I kagi is not a VC-funded corp. The latest investment round was for 670k, pennies, from 42 investors, which means an average of less than 20k/investor (they also mention that most are kagi users too but who knows).

      Also, it depends on what it means “being kept in a filter bubble”. If I build my own bubble according to my own criteria (I don’t want to see blogs filled with trackers, I want articles from reputable sources - I.e. what I consider reputable, if I am searching for code I only want rust because that’s what I am using right now, etc.) and I have the option to choose when to look outside, then yes, I think it’s OK. We all already do that anyway, if I see an article from fox news I won’t even open it, if on the same topic I see something from somewhere else. That said, there are times where I can choose to read fox news specifically to see what conservatives think.

      The crux of it all is: who is in charge? And what happens with that data? If the answers are “me” and “nothing”, then it’s something I consider acceptable. It doesn’t mean I would use it or that I would use it for everything.

      evangelize that kind of product on a privacy forum?

      First, I am not evangelizing anything. That product doesn’t even exist, I am simply speculating on its existence and the potential scenarios.

      Second: privacy means that the data is not accessed or used by unintended parties and is not misused by the intended ones. Focus on unintended. Privacy does not mean that no data is gathered in any case, even though this is often the best way to ensure there is no misuse. This is also completely compatible with the idea that if I can choose which data to give, and whether I want to give it at all (and of course deleting it), and that data is not used for anything else than what I want it to be used for, then my privacy is completely protected.