Which one(s) and why?

  • limelight79
    8 months ago

    I don’t know if I’m a “hopper”, because I haven’t used that many. But I started with Slackware in the late 90s. I put Red Hat on a friend’s computer (and was promptly unable to help with it) somewhere around 2001.

    Around 2010 or so I switched my desktop and laptop from Slackware to Kubuntu. I was just tired of dealing with package dependencies. Maybe 6 or 8 years ago I switched my server from Slackware to Debian for similar reasons.

    Right now my plan is to switch my desktop and laptop to Debian. I haven’t yet because I want to reconfigure some disks on the server (need more space on /var and less on /home), then move a service that’s currently running on my desktop to the server (Home Assistant), then install Debian on to my new nvme drive on the desktop and go from there. There’s a whole upgrade path, basically. It has been a slow process because I have to do the space reconfiguration on the server itself - I can’t log in remotely and do it - and the server is located in the basement, without a monitor or usable keyboard hooked to it… but there’s also no deadline either, so no need to rush on it.