• FrowingFostek@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    His successor will still be some flavor of authoritarian. My hope is that within the 3rd administration after putin the world will see Russians leading democracy.

    That is to say, I’d like to see truly free and fair elections, rights of the people restored, ethnic Russian culture accepted and embraced, progressive social values supported, and freedom of the press protected.

    This is the Russia I hope for.

    • @FrowingFostek @wintermute_oregon
      It would be nice, but it won’t happen. Russia has been ruled by Autocrats for 1,000 years. The revolution wasn’t an uprising. It was a war fought by the Bolsheviks against everybody else. The Russian population simply fell in line with the new Autocrats, starting with Lenin. There has never been an uprising in Russia.