Here’s mine. No inspiration at all taken from a certain California based company’s OS ;p

I use:

  • Manjaro OS
  • GNOME desktop
  • WhiteSur icon theme (with a few icons changed in the desktop file)
  • WhiteSur GTK and shell theme
  • Bing wallpaper
  • net speed simplified
  • Logo Menu
  • Show Desktop
  • Top Bar Organiser (to move the time to the right)
  • Overview background

I apologise if I missed anything.

  • de_nada
    7 months ago

    11 inch screen, so packed pretty tight. Openbox with tint2, left half of the top bar is conky. The bargraph that shows “Mem” is dynamic, it alternates between Mem/Swap/HD. I think the background image is from LXDE’s very nice collection of wallpapers.