• chetradley
    1 year ago

    I’m more interested in the supposed study correlating high meat consumption with longer life. Do you have one to support that claim, as I’ve provided two that seem counter to it?

    • Masterofballs@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago
      1. You have not provided any observational controlled studies at all.
      2. But fine https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8881926/ There is one. But you don’t actually need some phd to sign off on it you can look at meat consumption country to country and see for yourself.

      And of course meat consumption increases life expectancy. It is both a more evolutionary consistent diet and contains the most amount of nutrition per calorie.

      If you take almost any animal on earth and radically change it’s diet it will develop health problems.

      It’s only through weird online vegan subculture that you have managed to be so brain washed. After you’ve been on that shitty diet for 10 years and your teeth start falling out you’ll start to cheat if you haven’t already. It’s funny, vegans almost always cheat with the same stuff. raw fish and eggs most common. Some with a rare steak. Some of the most nutritious foods on earth.

      And if you didn’t know, the cheapest Walmart egg has more nutrition than any plant food on earth. If you consider variety. There may be a few plants with 1 nutrient in high amount but as far as balanced nutrition, the shittiest egg is better than anything in the vegan section.